Monitor Self-Assessment Forms (COVID-19) Using maestro*'s Dispatch


It is now possible to make a follow-up of employees's and contacts' COVID-19 health forms directly through maestro*'s dispatch tool.

Indeed, the Health Questionnaire Management option makes it possible to record and conserve employees' and contacts' health form answers, which can be entered:

  • manually, in the Health Questionnaire Management option (to transfer the information first entered by an employee on a paper form for example);
  • through an Excel import (the Sentinel platform allows the generation of an Excel file which contains all forms submitted for a work day);
  • through the maestro* Outlook Add-In.

Those who use the dispatch options can now check if the forms for dispatched employees have all been filled for a specific workday. The Mandatory Questionnaires Verification icon has been added to do so. Furthermore, it is possible to set-up a message and send reminders to employees who have not filled in their form for the day. The communication method used, either email or text message (as identified in Contact Management) is used to send those reminders.








Check If Dispatched Employees Have Completed the Health Form for the Day


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Dispatch > Project Dispatch


  1. In the dispatch window, make sure the Dispatch field is set to Projects or Employees.
  2. Click on the Mandatory Questionnaires Verification icon. A window with the same name is displayed.
  3. In the Filters section, select the form's Validation Date.
  4. If needed, check the Include completed questionnaires box.
  5. Click on Filter data according to specified parameters.
    All employees who have not submitted the health form are displayed in red on the list.


Set Up the Message to Send to Employess Who Have Not Completed the Form

  1. In the Mandatory Questionnaires Verification window, click in the Configuration icon.
  2. Enter the Subject of the reminder message.
  3. Then enter the message which will be sent to employees.
  4. Click on OK.


The Configuration window is automatically displayed upon the opening of the Mandatory Questionnaires Verification window if no message has ever been entered.


Send a Reminder to Employess Who Have Not Completed the Form

  1. You must first make sure the Send Reminder Message box is checked for the employee to whom the reminder must be sent.
  2. If needed, use the Select All and Deselect All icons to help you.
  3. Click the Apply icon.
    If the communication method is properly set for the given employee, the message will be sent using their preference.
  4. A confirmation message is displayed in the Message column (or an error message if a problem occurs).


See also


Last modification: September 20, 2024