Reduce the display time of a grid by desactivating it

Did you know that you can deactivate the upper grid in which transaction summaries are displayed in the transaction screens?

This grid can be useful for selecting a transaction or for conducting searches, but you can also find a transaction using the search functions that are also available in the entry fields. This grid is therefore not absolutely essential for operations.

For example, in the Enter Work Orders option, maestro* must find all non-transferred work orders and display them in the upper grid, which can cause a delay before the screen becomes available to the user. Afterwards, this grid can be used to select a work order and display it on the screen, but the user can achieve the same result by manually entering the number of the work order in the WO No. field or by using the search function in this field.

In this case, if the user does not use the upper grid, it can be deactivated to avoid the display delay when the program is started.

This function, which is shown in the Enter Work Orders option, is also available in most transaction entry screens in maestro* and can be configured by the user.



Deactivating the grid

  1. From the Enter Work Orders option, click in the grid with the right mouse button. A menu is displayed.

  1. In the menu displayed, click Disable the Grid.


When the grid is deactivated, the screen is available immediately in entry mode. You can reactivate the grid at any time.

If the grid is deactivated, the list of transferred or non-transferred work orders is no longer available. However, this information can be found using the traditional search functions (such as in the example above for searching the W/O No. field).

To display the list of non-transferred transactions, use the Transaction Transfer option.


Reactivating the grid

Click in the transaction summary at the top of the screen where the notification This grid is currently disabled. Click here to activate the grid message is displayed.


Formerly, Tips & Tricks no. 18

Last modification: February 27, 2025