Increase of the Minimum Wage in Quebec and Modifications of Union Dues for Local Union 1135

Varennes, May 2017


A few changes will affect some workers in Quebec. Review the following payroll change summaries and proceed to modify the configuration in maestro* that are required to conform to the new rules.


Increase of the minimum wage in Quebec – As of May 1, 2017

The Quebec government announced the increase of the minimum wage effective on May the 1st. Therefore, in Quebec the minimum wage will go up to $11.25 and to $9.45 for employees who receive tips.

We recommend that you verify carefully the data that is entered in maestro*. In fact, users are responsible for validating the rates currently in the system and for keeping up with any further changes in legislation.


Union dues calculation for local union 1135– As of April 30, 2017

The calculation mode of union dues for local union 1135 of the Conseil provincial du Québec des métiers de la construction, namely the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (Syndicat international des peintres et métiers connexes), returned to its pre-January practices when the last round of changes were brought on. As of Sunday April 30, 2017, the union levy corresponds again to 60% of the hourly rate per week or to the portion of the week that is worked, and calculated according to the hourly rate of a journeyman or apprentice, as may be the case. This change does not affect the union dues that were collected between January 1 and April 29, 2017.


Modifying the union dues in maestro*

Changes to union dues must be reflected in the settings of maestro*.


maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll > Define Unions CCQ

  1. In window Define Unions CCQ, select the union code from the field Number.
  2. Enter the due rate as a decimal number (for example 0.6 for 60 %) on line A x Hourly Rate for a Regular Week and for the first week(s).
  3. Click the icon Save.
  4. Click the icon Quit.


To obtain additional information or further details regarding the changes that need implementing in maestro*, do not hesitate to contact the team in Customer Support by calling 1-877-833-1897 or e-mailing