Changes to be made to payroll applicable in Quebec

Varennes, June 2017


As announced by the Commission de la Construction du Québec (CCQ), the following modifications will affect the payroll:

  • Modification to the sectoral contribution of residential sector;
  • Modification to the taxable benefits;
  • Modification to the union dues rates.


A - Changes to sectoral contribution effective june 25, 2017

On May 29, 2017, the CCQ informed us that the sectoral contribution of the residential sector will be amended to include the goods and services tax (GST) and the Québec sales tax (QST).

To reflect this change, as of June 25, the rate of the sectoral contribution will be adjusted to $0.043 for each worked hour. You are invited to make the necessary configurations in maestro*, as described below. You will have to take this rate into account when producing the monthly report for July 2017.

We recommend that you carefully check the amounts that you enter in maestro* to ensure they are correct for your specific situation. It is your responsibility to confirm the rates and keep yourself informed of any changes.


  maestro*†> Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll Define Committees
  1. In the Define Committees window, select the code of the concerned committee in the Code field.
  2. In the CCQ section of the Main Fields tab, enter the new rate in the Employer column for the Sector 4 .
  3. Click on Save, then Quit.

WARNING! The tax codes, account numbers and other information in this screen capture are for reference purpose only.


B - Changes to taxable benefits effective June 25, 2017

We recommend that you carefully check the amounts that you enter in maestro* to ensure they are correct for your specific situation. It is your responsibility to confirm the rates and keep yourself informed of any changes. For the various changes to be applied, please refer to the issue of the Bâtir Été 2017 newsletter published by the CCQ at: Bâtir Été 2017(French version only), page 10.

To update the taxable benefits, the changes must be downloaded from the CCQ.

Download the taxable benefits changes from the CCQ

  • 8 maestro*†Time Management † Maintenance † Payroll†Social Benefits Management
  • In the Social Benefits Managementwindow, click on Update Social Benefits icon.
  • Use the Datefield to select a date corresponding to the changes announced by the CCQ.
  • In the breakdown grid, check the Transmit box for the selected sector.
  • Click on Transmit.
  • The progress of the file transmission and the Results summary are shown, click on Ok.
  • Validate the CCQ section of the breakdown grid, and uncheck if needed the Update column in order to refuse the information update.

If the system finds a match between maestro* and the CCQ site, CCQ’s values will be displayed in the grid with the new taxable benefit. The column Return code indicated whether the match was successful or not and displays a message if an error occurs. The Update column is automatically checked if the return code has been successful.

  • Click on Apply to perform the social benefits update. A confirmation message will be displayed, asking if you wish to apply the changes. Click Yes.

When clicking Yes, the social benefits changes are applied immediately.

In addition, if transactions have already been entered and these have to be corrected to take into account of the new imported rates, it is necessary to recall and save these transactions. The system will detect that rates have changed and will offer to update these in transactions. This feature is only available for non-transferred transactions.

  • A message will appear to confirm that the treatment has been successful. Click Ok.
  • Click on Quit.


C - changes to union dues RATES effective July 1, 2017

In its Bâtir Eté 2017 newsletter, the Commission de la Construction du Québec (CCQ) has announced changes to the union dues rates for the following local sections:

  • Local 96 – International Union of Elevator Constructors (Hull)
  • Local 349 – Syndicat international des peintres et métiers connexes – local 349
  • Local 1929 – Syndicat international des peintres et métiers connexes
  • Syndicat québécois de la construction (SQC)

To modify the union dues rates in maestro*, read the following online help (F1) topic: Define Unions CCQ.

  maestro*†> Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll Define Unions CCQ


Different union dues rates can be found on the CCQ’s website: