New rate changes for civil engineering and roadwork trades starting April 28, 2019 for Quebec employees


Varennes, May 2019

In a communication received in the past few days, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) announced wage and social benefits rate modifications for some trades. These new rates are applicable for the May 2019 period, starting April 28, 2019.

The rate update, made available last Friday, must be done outside business hours or over the weekend. The required steps are listed in the How-to document Updating CCQ-Related Data.

The changes involve the following trade codes and schedules of the Civil Engineering and Roadwork sector below:

For additional information on the required changes to maestro*, contact Maestro’s Software Support team by phone at 1-877-833-1897 or by email at


We would like to remind users that is is their responsibility to validate the appropriate rates and stay current on any subsequent change. It is therefore recommended to verify the data entered in maestro*. Information included in this document is provided for information purposes only.