New Union Dues and Taxable Benefits Rates Introduced by the CCQ, in Effect Starting May 1, 2022

Varennes, April 28, 2022


The Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) recently announced changes which affect:

  • the annual increase to wage rates;
  • the benefit contributions; and
  • the welding qualification fund.

The new rates will come into effect for the May 2022 period (May 1st), but are available for download in maestro* since April 14, 2022.

For more information on the different rate changes, visit the Wage and Dues Rates page of the CCQ website ( The procedures which explain how to update the items listed above are documented in the How To - Update CCQ-Related Data in maestro*.


We would like to remind users that it is their responsibility to validate the appropriate rates and stay updated on any subsequent change. It is therefore recommended to carefully check the data entered in maestro*. Information included in this document is provided for informational purposes only.


Thank you,

The Maestro Team

Tel. 1-877-833-1897


Last modification: septembre 19, 2024