Varennes, June 2018


The Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) recently announced changes to union dues, wages, and taxable benefit rates:

New Union Dues Rates

New union dues for the Conseil provincial du Québec des métiers de la construction (International) – Local 96 and the Syndicat Québécois de la construction (SQC) will come into force July 1, 2018.

New “Class 2” for fifteen occupations of the CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ROADWORK sector

The details surrounding the creation of these new occupation codes and their respective rates will be addressed in a separate maestro*EXPRESS available in a few days.



Wage and Taxable Benefits Rate Update for the CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ROADWORK sector

As mentioned in April 2018’s maestro*EXPRESS, changes were made to the wage rates for the periods of May and June 2018 (this period also includes modifications to taxable benefits rates). These updates respectively became effective on April 29 and May 27.

Wage Rate Increase for the INSTITUTIONAL AND COMMERCIAL and INDUSTRIAL sectors

The CCQ announced that a decision by the Arbitration Board appointed by the Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité Sociale results in an increase of the wage rates for the Institutional and Commercial and Industrial sectors, applicable since April 29.


For more information on the different rate changes, visit the Wage and Dues Rates page of the CCQ website ( The procedures explaining how to update the items listed above are documented in the How to? Update CCQ-Related Data in maestro*.

We encourage you to contact Maestro’s Customer Support by phone at 1-877-833-1897 or by email at for additional details regarding the required modifications to maestro*.


Remember that it is the users’ responsibility to validate the appropriate rates and stay current on any subsequent change.