Synchronizing maestro* with Procore - Data Mapping

Other softwares or applications are sometimes used in complement to maestro* - that is the case with the Procore web application. Also, Maestro has developed an interface that enables the synchronization between maestro* and Procore data, therefore avoiding the entry of duplicate data. To do so, a small configuration is necessary (refer to the Preleminary Configurations for Data Synchronization with Procore document if needed). The synchronization bridge is entirely developed by Maestro. It is accessible through the Maintenance module, using the following path: maestro* > Maintenance > Interface Maintenance > Procore > Synchronization. In this document, you will find useful information on how to map the data and thus synchronize the data with Procore.




Data Mapping


The data originates from the following options:


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Project Management

Procore > Project > Project Tools > Admin > General

Bidirectional exchange ↔

Description of the Project's Fields


Project Management > Project Desc. tab


Project > Admin



Job Number

On the Procore side, this field is mandatory as it contains the maestro* project code. It is highly recommended to avoid modifying this value after a project has been synchronized in both systems.


Project Name

Max 100 characters.

Detailed Description

Project Description



Project Site - Address

The maestro* field only accepts 40 characters, while Procore’s goes up to 100.

Therefore, if we receive more than 40 characters from Procore, the address will be shortened.



Max. 60 characters.







Postal Code

Postal Code





Start Date

Estimated Start Date

Mandatory in Procore.

Closing Date

Estimated Completion Date

Mandatory in Procore.

Prerequisites to Synchronize a Project

From maestro* to Procore
  • The project must be active in maestro*.
  • In the Procore sub-tab, under the Desc. tab, of the Project Management option, the Synchronize this Project with Procore parameter box must be checked.



Please refer to the Project Management option's online help (F1) for more information on all other information displayed under the Procore sub-tab.

  • In multidimensional mode, the project must belong to the current prefix.
From Procore to maestro*
  • The project must be active in Procore.



Synchronize To

Indicates the destination of the project to be synchronised.

NOTE: the synchronization is available during the creation only, i.e. when the entity is created. If changes are then made to this entity, these changes will have to be made manually in both systems.


This information comes from the source.



Displays both error messages and warnings, when needed.

If a project exists on both sides with the same project code, it is possible to link them through synchronization.

Synchronizing Budgets and Transactions for a Project

After the synchronization of a project, to be able to synchronize the budget and transactions of said project, it is mandatory to:

If the project was synchronized from maestro* to Procore
  1. In Procore, go to Project > Project Tools > Admin.
  2. In Active Tools, check all tools necessary to the project.
  3. In Cost Codes, adjust the cost codes.
If the project was synchronized from Procore to maestro*
  1. In maestro*, go to Project Management > Project Desc.
  2. If in multidimensional mode, enter a prefix (mandatory).
  3. Enter a project template or add the necessary activities.
  4. Activate the project (it will have been created in advance).

Project Activities

Activites are not synchronized. However, during the synchronization of transactions, the existence, correspondence, and validity of activities is checked.

In Procore, activities are called "cost codes". These are defined in Procore > Project > Project Tools > Admin > Cost Codes. The structure of Procore cost codes is different than structure of activities in maestro*. In Procore, cost codes are created following a hierarchy, whereas in maestro* that is not the case.

In maestro*, the activities must be added using a project template (Project Management > Project Desc tab) or manually (Activities and Budget tab).

For the synchronization of the budgets and transactions to work, the activities will have to match on both sides, according to the chosen configuration (Direct or Concatenate). Please refer to the Project Tab section of the Preleminary Configurations for Data Synchronization with Procore document for more information on the direct and concatenate modes.

Group Codes

Groups are not synchronized.

In Procore, Cost Types are defined in Procore > Company Tools > Cost Types.

In maestro*, groups are defined in Projects > Maintenance > Group Management.

For the synchronization of the transactions and budget to work, the maestro* code groups must match Procore's Cost Types.

ClosedOriginal Budget

The data originates from the following options:


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Project Management

Procore > Project > Project Tools > Budget


  • The project must exist in Procore before synchronizing budget changes made in maestro*.
  • Only items with amounts in the Original Budget column are displayed in Procore.
  • Activities and groups with zero amounts are not displayed in the Procore budget.
  • It is possible to synchronize budgets, for both the creation and updates, i.e. when a discrepancy is found between both systems. Maestro* is considered as the master software for the budget. Also, when a discrepancy is found, the value in Procore is erased and replaced by the one in maestro*.

Unidirectional exchange → : maestro* to Procore



Project Management > Activities and Budget tab > Budget tab


Project > Project Tool > Budget


Budget (amount and quantity)

Original Budget Amount

For a project, the original budget amounts are those which will be sent to the Procore budget. This equals to the combination of activity codes and its corresponding groups which are an amount in the Budget column and/or a quantity in maestro*. An equivalent line is created in the Procore budget for each activity and group.



  • Synchronization is done in batch, one project at a time;
  • Data is synchronized by activity and group;
  • As for the synchronization of projects, the project code and description come from maestro* and the message column can display, if applicable, an error message or a warning;
  • The View Budgets and Hide Budgets buttons are available to view the detail of transactions to be synchronized.

ClosedModified Budget

The data originates from the following options:


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Project Management

Procore > Project > Project Tools > Budget


  • The project must exist in Procore before the synchronization of budget changes in maestro*.
  • In Procore, the source is the Approved COs column.
  • In maestro*, the destination is the Modification column of the Activies and Budgets tab.

Unidirectional exchange → : Procore to maestro*



Project Management > Activities and Budget tab > Budget tab


Project > Project Tool > Budget


Modification (amount and quantity)

Approved COs



The data originates from the following options:


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Supplier Management

Procore > Company Tools > Directory > Companies

Bidirectional exchange ↔



Supplier Management > Main Fields tab


Company Tools > Directory > Companies



Abbreviated Name

The Abbreviated Name field becomes required on the Procore side. It is strongly discouraged to modify this value.

Max. 10 characters.



If the Procore Name is longer than 60 characters, it will be shortened in maestro*.



If Procore's Address field is longer than 100 characters, it will be shortened in maestro*.



If Procore's City field is longer than 60 characters, it will be shortened in maestro*.



If Procore's State/Province field is longer than 30 characters, it will be shortened in maestro*.





Business Phone



Business Fax


RBQ Number

License Number

If the Procore License Number is longer than 10 characters, it will be shortened before it is sent to maestro*; the supplier will still be added.

Prerequisites to Synchronize a Supplier

From maestro* to Procore
  • The supplier must be active in maestro*.
  • In the Interface tab, the Synchronize this Project with Procore box must be checked for the supplier.

From Procore to maestro*
  • The supplier (company) must be active in Procore.



Synchronize To

Indicates the destination of the project to be synchronised.

NOTE: the synchronization is available during the creation only, i.e. when the entity is created. If changes are then made to this entity, these changes will have to be made manually in both systems.


This information comes from the source.



Displays both error messages and warnings, when needed.


If a supplier exists in both softwares with the same code, it is possible to link them through synchronization.

To exclude a Procore supplier from the list of suppliers to be synchronized, it is possible to enter the NOTMAESTRO (or PASMAESTRO) value in the Tags/Keywords field of the suppliers file in Procore.

After the synchronization of a supplier from maestro* to Procore, the former must be added to projects in Procore before being used in these projects for different transactions, such as purchase orders or subcontracts (Procore > Company Tools > Directory > Companies).


The transactions can be divided in different sub-sections according to the available types in Procore. However, for maestro*, the three main types are: 

  • Project Costs - these are synchronized from maestro* to Procore direct costs;
    • As project costs, if the order does not come from Procore or if the purchase order invoice configuration has not been activated;
    • Directly applied to the order or subcontract in Procore if the transaction was previously synchronized;
  • Purchase Orders Invoices - synchronized from Procore to maestro*;
  • Orders, Subcontracts, subcontract change orders, and invoicing contract change orders - synchronized from Procore towards the corresponding options in maestro*.

The synchronization is performed as of the last successful transaction date. This date is entered in the project's file (Project Management), in the Procore subtab, under the Project Desc tab. The conmparison date used is the transactions' Accounting Date in maestro*. However, it is possible to ignore the date of the last synchronization and begin at the transaction synchronization start date entered by the user on the project.


  • According to the transaction type, these can be synchronized one way or the other, for each entity creation only;
  • Transactions must be approved in Procore or transferred in maestro* to be displayed in the synchronization window;
  • The synchornization is done in batch, one project at a time;
  • As for the synchronization of projects and suppliers, the project code and description come from maestro and the message column can display error messages and warnings, if applicable.
  • The See Transactions and Hide Transactions buttons are available to view the detail of the transactions to be synchronized.

ClosedProject Costs

Project costs can be sent as direct costs in Procore. These come from the different types of transactions transferred in maestro*. Also, the data comes from the following options:


maestro* > Projects > Analysis and Inquiry > Projects > Projects Inquiry

Procore > Project > Project Tools > Direct Costs


  • In the Transactions tab of the Projects Inquiry option, only transactions that have been approved and transferred in the following type list will be synchronized in Procore (JrAprVtl.Version)
    • Project Purchase (1)
    • Interco Project Purchase (;)
    • Hours/Labour (4)
    • Hours to Invoice/Labour (B)
    • Equipment Hours (C)
    • Premiums/Labour (5)
    • W/C - CSST Expenses (=)
    • DGBRI Expenses (E)
    • Project-to-Project Transfer (2)
    • Advanced Project-to-Project Transfer (>)
    • Accrual Project-to-Project Transfer (?)
    • Reversed Project-to-Project Transfer (@)
    • Adjustment Project-ti-Project Transfer (D)
    • Inventory-Project Transfer (G)
    • General Ledger Project Entry for Accrued Costs of Material (F)
    • Order Invoicing (7)
  • Only project cost transactions with the Transferred status in maestro* will be synchronized to Procore.

Unidirectional exchange → : maestro* to Procore


Summary Screen


Project Inquiry > Transactions tab


Project > Admin > Direct Costs > Summary


Type + Description

(The type is displayed in the top left header when modifying the transaction)

The Procore types are: Invoice, Payroll, Expense

Name (Empl./Suppl.)


This field will only be filled in Procore by maestro*Hour type transactions if this employee has been synchronized as a user in Procore.

Name (Empl./Suppl.)


If a project cost is associated to a supplier in maestro*, this supplier must be synchronized in Procore.

Invoice No.

Invoice #

This field is only visible for Invoice type transactions.



Transaction date.



Will always be Approved in Procore, since only project cost transactions with the Transferred status in maestro* will be synchronized towards Procore.

To see the transaction's detail lines, click on Display.

ClosedPurchase Order

The data originates from the following options:


maestro* > Purchasing > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Purchase Order Management / Stock Order from Catalogue (according to the chosen configuration)

Procore > Project > Project Tools > Commitments > Purchase Order


  • Only ProcorePurchase Orders that still have the Approved status are avaialbe to be synchronized towards maestro*Orders.
  • Purchase orders are synchronized in creation only and cannot be synchronized again.
  • To know if, in maestro*, an order or subcontract comes from Procore, it is necessary to check the external order number that will contain, if it is the case, the corresponding transaction number in maestro*.
  • If the original order was created in Procore and then synchronized to maestro*, the invoice created in maestro* for this order will be entered on the said order. However, if the original order was created in maestro*, as well as paid in maestro*, the invoice will be sent to Procore via the direct costs.

Unidirectional exchange → : Procore to maestro*

General tab


Purchase Order Management or Stock Order from Catalogue


Project > Project Tools > Commitments > Purchase Order




The order number is automatically generated according to the maestro* configuration. This configuration is mandatory to allow the creation of a purchase order from Procore to maestro* orders.



Purchase Order must be Approved in Procore to be created in maestro*.

Supplier Code

Contract Company

The supplier must exist in maestro*.

Order Date

Date Created



Delivery Date



Title + Description

The Memo field in maestro* is the combination of the Title and DescriptionProcore fields.

Holdback %

Default Retainage


No Externe


Procore's Purchase Order # will be displayed in this maestro* field and cannot be longer than 40 characters upon their creation in Procore.

Cost Breakdown Tab

The order's detail come from the Cost Breakdown tab of Procore's Purchase Order option.


The data originates from the following options:


maestro* > Purchasing > Purchasing > Subcontract > Subcontract Management

Procore > Project > Project Tools > Commitments > Subcontract Management



Only ProcoreSubcontracts with the Approved status will be available to synchronize with maestro*'s Subcontract Management option. Subcontracts are synchronized in creation only and cannot be synchronized a second time.

Unidirectional exchange → : Procore to maestro*

General tab


Subcontract > Original Contract tab


Project > Project Tools > Commitments > Subcontract Management




The subcontract number is automatically generated in accordance to the maestro* configuration. This configuration is mandatory to allow the creation of the subcontract from Procore to maestro*'s subcontracts.


Contract Company

The supplier must exist in maestro*.

Delivery Date


Actual Completion Date


Contract Date

Contract Date





Memo (tab)



Holdback %

Default Retainage




Must have the Approved status in Procore to be created in maestro*.

Details (tab)

Title + Description

The Details fields in maestro* is the combination of the Title and Description fields in Procore.

External No.


Procore's Sub Contracts numbers are displayed in this maestro* field and cannot be longer than 40 characters upon their creation in Procore.

Cost Breakdown Tab

Each line from the Schedule of values table of the Procore subcontract becomes a breakdown line in maestro*.

Amounts are sent as is, without calculated taxes and other, and amounts must be adjusted in maestro*.

ClosedChange Orders on a Subcontract


Procore allows to make change orders to an order. It is however not permitted at this time. It will therefore be impossible to synchronize with maestro* for this type of transaction.

Procore also allows to make changes to change order transactions. It is important to note that the synchronization performs a single operation to create the transaction in maestro* and that transactions modified in Procore can no longer be synchronized in maestro*.

The data originates from the following options:


maestro* > Projects > Change Orders > Change Order > Change Order Management

Procore > Project > Project Tools > Change Events


  • Change orders are applied to subcontracts (a subcontract is mandatory to create a change order).
  • Change orders are created in Procore using the Change Events option and can only be applied to approved contracts.
  • Only a Procore's Subcontract's Commitment Change Order with an Approved status will be available for synchronization towards maestro*'s Change Orders.

Unidirectional exchange → : Procore to maestro*

Commitment tab


Subcontract > Change Order tab


Project > Project Tools > Change Events


Contract No.



Change Order







Initiated Date



Contract Company




Each line from the Schedule of Values table of the Procore commitment change order becomes a breakdown line in maestro*.

Amounts are sent as is, without calculated taxes and other, and amounts must be adjusted in maestro*


Change Order Management > Change Order tab > Breakdown tab


Project > Project Tools > Change Events > Display > Cost Breakdown tab



Line No.


Activity + Group

Budget Code








Unit Price

Unit Price






Change Order on Billing Contracts


Procore also allows to make changes to change order transactions. It is important to note that the synchronization performs a single action to create the transaction in maestro* and that transactions that are modified in Procore can no longer be synchronized with maestro*.

The data originates from the following options:


maestro* > Invoicing > Contractual Billing > Progress > Progress Billing Contracts

Procore > Project > Project Tools > Change Orders


  • Change orders are applied to the prime contracts (a prime contract is required to create a change order).
  • Change orders are created in Procore in the Change Event option and can only be applied to approved contracts.

Unidirectional exchange → : Procore to maestro*

Change Order Tab


Progress Billing Contracts > Change Orders tab


Project > Project Tool > Change Orders



Title + Description






Cost Code



Unit Qty






Unit Cost



The data originates from the following options:


maestro* > Invoicing > Maintenance > Customer > Customer Management

Procore > Company Tools > Directory > Companies

Bidirectional exchange ↔






Abbreviated Name

The Abbreviated Name field is mandatory in Procore. It is strongly advised not to change this value.

10 characters max.



If the Name in Procore is longer than 60 characters, it will be shortened in maestro*.











Business Phone


Postal Code

Postal Code



Email Address


RBQ Number

License Number



Business Fax






From maestro* to Procore
  • The supplier must be active in maestro*.
  • In the Interface tab of the Customer Management option, the Synchronize the Customer with Procore box must be checked.
From Procore to maestro*
  • The customer (company) must be active in Procore.



Synchronize To

Indicates the destination of the customer to synchronize.

NOTE: The synchronization is available during creation only, meaning when the customer is created. If modifications are then made to this customer, they will have to manually be made in both systems.


This information comes from the source.


This information comes from the source.


Indicates, if applicable, an error or warning message.



If a customer exists in both maesrto* and Procore with the same code, it is possible to link them through synchronization.

To make sure a Procore customer is not in the list of customers to synchronize, it is possible to enter the PASMAESTRO, NOTMAESTRO, OR PASCLIENT value in the Tags/Keywords field of the company file in Procore.


The data originates from the following options:


maestro* > Invoicing > Contractual Billing > Progress > Progress Billing Contracts

Procore > Project > Financial Management > Prime Contracts

Unidirectional exchange → : Procore to maestro*

Project Description Tab





Project Number





Customer Code


The customer must exist in maestro*.

Start Date

Start Date


Delivery Date

Completion Date


Holdback %

Default Warranty Holdback



Original Contract Amount



Advanced Parameters - Accounting Method

Based on the unit/quantity: Quantity

Based on an amount: Rate

Cost Breakdown Tab






The position of the line (1, 2, 3, etc.)


Budget Codes

Part of the budget code represents the activity.






Requires that the accounting method be based on a unit/quantity.


Unit of Measure

Requires that the accounting method be based on a unit/quantity.

Unit Price

Unit Cost

Requires that the accounting method be based on a unit/quantiy.



Requires that the accounting method be based on an amount.

From Procore to maestro*
  • The customer must exist in Procore and be the same as the project's.



Synchronize To

Indicates the destination of the contract to synchronize.

NOTE: The synchronization is available during creation only, meaning when the contract is created. If modification are then made to the contract, they will have to be manually made in both systems.


This information comes from the source.


This information comes from the source.


Indicates, if applicable, an error or warning message.

Contract Title

The title of the contract under General Information.

Start Date

Contract start date.



In a progress billing contract already exists in maestro*, it will not be possible to synchronize Procore's contract.


See also


Last modification: February 27, 2025