Using the ElekNet Interface in maestro*


An interface was developed to facilitate and speed up the work of maestro* customers who also use ElekNet1. This feature enables electronically updating unit prices in the maestro* catalogue as well as sending material orders.

This How-to describes the prerequisites and settings required to use the interface and provides the steps to carry out the tasks mentioned above.










Send Order to ElekNet

Sends orders to ElekNet suppliers when the required settings have been made and the Order Transfer Mode selected is Manual. The icon only appears in the Stock Order with Catalogue window’s toolbar if the orders displayed have not been transferred and have ElekNet as a supplier.



Setting Up the Interface Use Prerequisites

Define Basic General Settings Parameters

  1. From the maestro* main menu, click the toolbar’s Configuration icon.
  2. Select General Settings.
  3. Open the tree structure of the Purchasing option and select ElekNet Interface.
  1. In the right portion of the window, complete the fields below:



ElekNet Pricing Address

URL address to use to retrieve item price and disponibility:

ElekNet ElekNet Order Address

URL address to use to send material orders:

NOTE: Test orders must not be sent to the production address or they will be considered as real orders.

ElekNet Supplier Code

Only orders related to the selected supplier will be sent to ElekNet upon the transfer of the order in maestro*. Matches the code for ElekNet in the Supplier Management option.

ElekNet Distribution Centre Code

Indicates the default ElekNet distribution centre when searching for available stock quantity. The code also determines to which distribution center the orders will be sent.

The list of authorized distribution centers will be provided during the initial configuration.

Order Transfer Mode

Possible selections are Automatic and Manual; the setting defaults to Automatic.


Selecting this value automatically sends ElekNet orders electronically once the order has been transferred in maestro*.


Selecting this value indicates that users will have to manually send ElekNet orders.

Pricing Update Mode When Ordering

Enables selecting how the unit prices of ElekNet items will be updated when creating project-specific orders which have ElekNet as a supplier.

Possible selections are Automatic and Manual; the setting defaults to Automatic.


This mode generates a request to ElekNet’s web service as soon as a catalogue item and its ordered quantity are entered in an order to obtain the applicable unit price to that situation as well as the available quantity according to the specified distribution centre.


By selecting this mode, users will have to manually refresh the prices and available quantities.

User Code and Password

User code and password needed to connect to the ElekNet service.

The user code and password will be provided during the initial configuration.

NOTES: Those fields can contain up to 50 alphanumeric characters.

It is possible to use the user code that is used on These access codes are specific to the integration of maestro* and ElekNet. Your access codes will stay the same for the test phase and production phase.

Billing Account Number

Default billing account number. We can specify the regular account or the project account. This information will be provided during the initial configuation phase.

We can link a specific project account number in the case where ElekNet proposes specific items at a reduced price if related to certain projects (Project Management, Project Desc tab, ElekNet subtab).

NOTE: This field can contain up to 30 numeric characters.

Delivery Account Number (Ship-to)

Ship-To account associated to the invoice account. This information will be provided during the initial configuration phase.

We can link a specific project account number (Project Management, Project Desc tab, ElekNet subtab).

NOTE: This field can contain up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

  1. Click the Save icon.
  2. Click the Quit icon.


Complete Project-Specific Settings

A company may have more than one ElekNet account to provide project-specific item prices. The required configurations can be easily defined in maestro* and applied to one or several projects; once determined, these configurations supersede those entered in the General Settings:


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Project Management


  1. In the Project Management window, use the Number field to select the project for which specific parameters must be set.
  2. Under the Project Desc tab, click the ElekNet tab on the right portion of the window.
  3. Complete the User Code, Password, Billing Account Number, and Delivery Account Number (Ship-to) fields with the appropriate data.
  4. Click the Save icon.
  5. Click the Quit icon.

Configure ElekNet Addresses and Branch Codes

Whether or not the ElekNet distribution centres’ addresses already appear in the Define Supplier Addresses option in maestro*, they all have to be updated to add the appropriate ElekNet distribution centre code to ensure orders are sent to the correct location.


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Define Supplier Addresses


  1. In the Define Supplier Addresses window, use the Code field to select a distribution centre or complete all the fields and click Save to add a new distribution centre.
  2. Enter the ElekNet distribution centre number in the Branch Code field.
  3. Click the Save icon.
  4. Repeat the three previous steps for all ElekNet distribution centres.
  5. Click the Quit icon.

Grant Access to Users Authorized to Transmit Orders to ElekNet again

Maestro* users authorized to transmit orders to ElekNet must first have the appropriate security access:

  1. From the maestro* main menu, click the toolbar’s Configuration icon.
  2. Select Security Management.
  3. In the Identification section, select the relevant user in the Number field.
  4. Click the Access Restrictions tab.
  5. Open the Purchasing option’s tree structure.
  6. Click the ElekNet Interface option.
  7. On the right portion of the window, check the Enable transmitting an ElekNet order again box.
  8. Click the Save icon.
  9. Click the Quit icon.


Updating ElekNet Item Data in maestro* Catalogue

ElekNet item data cannot be imported through the basic maestro* catalogue import feature, however, new items can be created individually. Users have to manually enter the codes of the items needing to be created and update these already existing items with the Updating ElekNet Items in maestro* Catalogue option.


The Updating ElekNet Items in maestro* Catalogue option is only functional if the supplier items are linked to the ElekNet supplier code in the supplier price table of the Catalogue Management option. Additionally, an item’s price will only be updated if the Fixed box is checked (and not greyed-in) in the Purchase and Sale section under the Item Description tab of the Catalogue Management window.

Update the Data of Items Already in the maestro* Catalogue


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Catalogue > Updating ElekNet Items in maestro* Catalogue


  1. In the Updating ElekNet Items in maestro* Catalogue window, enter the filters required to display the desired data in the table.
  2. Click the Filter Data According to Specified Parameters icon to display the corresponding items.
  3. Check or uncheck the Update box to identify which items need to have their data refreshed.
  4. Click the Retrieve ElekNet Prices icon.
  5. Click the Apply icon to replace the maestro* catalogue data with the new data obtained from ElekNet, such as the new prices displayed under the column by the same name.
  6. Click the Filter Data According to Specified Parameters icon to refresh the data displayed in the table.
  7. Click the Quit icon.


Refer to the Updating ElekNet Items in the maestro* Catalogue topic for more information the table’s columns.

Add New Items from Supplier ElekNet to the maestro* Catalogue by Manually Entering the Item Codes


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Catalogue > Updating ElekNet Items in maestro* Catalogue


  1. In the Updating ElekNet Items in maestro* Catalogue window, manually enter the ElekNet code of the item that needs to be added to the maestro* catalogue by indicating it in the ElekNet Item Code column in one of the table’s empty lines.
  2. On the same line, enter the maestro* catalogue code in the maestro* Item Code column as well as the item’s Description.
  3. Click the Retrieve ElekNet Prices icon.
  4. For each added item, indicate the main or alternative price in the Price-Unit column of the maestro* section.


Items must not have been previously created in the maestro* catalogue.

  1. Click the Apply icon.
  1. Click the Filter Data According to Specified Parameters icon to refresh the data displayed in the table.
  2. Click the Quit icon.


ElekNet data is then added to the table as the item is created in the maestro* catalogue. Default values will be systematically applied to the other maestro* catalogue required fields. If needed, the Type and Category of the item can be specified in the Catalogue Management option (maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Catalogue > Catalogue Management).


Using the ElekNet Interface to Create an Order

Enter the order


maestro* > Purchasing > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Stock Order from Catalogue


  1. In the Stock Order from Catalogue window, click the New icon.
  2. Select the ElekNet supplier and complete the required fields.


Refer to the Stock Order from Catalogue help topic.

  1. Add the items to be ordered in the detailed table.

Item data will be systematically updated after entering an inventory code and the ordered quantity if the Pricing Update Mode When Ordering selected in the General Settings is Automatic. If the selected mode is Manual, users will have to click the Unit Price icon and choose either the Update Information for ElekNet Item or Update Information for all ElekNet Items option to perform the task.

  1. Once the order is entered, change its status to Confirmed.
  2. Click the Save icon.


Send the Order to ElekNet


Whether an order transfer to ElekNet is successful or not partly depends on the parameters configured earlier. As well, make sure to always select the ElekNet supplier and the appropriate distribution centre code in the order.

Transferring the Order from maestro* Using the Purchase Order with Catalogue Option

maestro* > Purchasing > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Stock Order from catalogue


Order Transfer Mode Selected in the General Settings is Automatic.
  1. After selecting the order in the Stock Order from Catalogue window, click the Transfer icon. The order will be automatically sent to ElekNet during the transfer in maestro*, without any intervention on the user’s part. The order status will be displayed in the window.
  2. Once the maestro* Report Viewer is displayed, make the required tasks then click the Quit icon. A supplier order number sent by ElekNet will be added to the Stock Order from Catalogue window and a confirmation message will be displayed informing the user that the order was successfully sent to ElekNet.
  3. Click the Quit icon again to exit the Stock Order from Catalogue window.
Order Transfer Mode Selected in the General Settings is Manual.
  1. Select the order that needs to be transferred.
  2. Click the Transfer icon.
  3. Answer Yes or No when maestro* asks the user if they want to send the order to ElekNet.

If they answer positively, the order will be immediately transferred to ElekNet. Otherwise, the order will not be sent to ElekNet and will remain with the other transferred entries until the user eventually decides to send it. All that will be required is clicking the Send Order to ElekNet icon in the Stock Order from Catalogue window.


The Send Order to ElekNet icon only appears if the user first clicks the Display Only Transferred Entries icon and selects an order whose supplier is ElekNet.

  1. After the order is transferred, make the required tasks in the maestro* Report Viewer then click the Quit icon.
  2. Click the Quit icon again to exit the Stock Order from Catalogue option.


If there is no value in the new Purchase Order Number field of the Stock Order from Catalogue window, it indicates that the ElekNet order transfer was not completed successfully.

Transferring the Order Using the Transaction Transfer Icon Located in the maestro* Main Menu’s Toolbar
Order Transfer Mode Selected in the General Settings is Automatic.
  1. Click the Transaction Transfer icon located in maestro* main menu’s toolbar.
  2. Once in the Transaction Transfer window, open the Purchasing module’s tree structure and select the Purchasing option.
  3. On the right portion of the window, check the order(s) that need(s) to be transferred in maestro*.
  4. Click the Transfer icon.
  5. Make the required tasks in the maestro* Report Viewer then click the Quit icon.

ElekNet orders will be automatically sent to the supplier after their transfer in maestro*. A list of the orders sent to ElekNet will be displayed after the transfer report in maestro*. This list will show the ElekNet order numbers; if a transfer failed, the reason for the refusal or behind the problem will also be indicated.

Order Transfer Mode Selected in the General Settings is Manual.
  1. Click the Transaction Transfer icon located in maestro* main menu’s toolbar.
  2. Once in the Transaction Transfer window, open the Purchasing module’s tree structure and select the Purchasing option.
  3. On the right portion of the window, check the order(s) that need(s) to be transferred in maestro*.
  4. Click the Transfer icon.
  5. Make the required tasks in the maestro* Report Viewer then click the Quit icon.

maestro* > Purchasing > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Stock Order from catalogue

  1. In the Stock Order from Catalogue window, click the Display Only Transferred Entries icon.
  2. Select the order in the Summary of transferred transactions table.
  3. Click the Send Order to ElekNet icon. A confirmation message will be generated as well as an ElekNet order number. If the transfer failed, the reason for the refusal or behind the problem will also be indicated.
  4. Click the Quit icon.


Last modification: February 27, 2025