Attaching a service call job details to an invoice


This How-To is aimed at users of the Service Management module who need to attach the details when returning to base from a service call to the invoice they send to their customers. This procedure applies whether the customer has signed the invoice or not.







Configure the mailing of service call return forms


maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Processing > Mailing Configuration

  1. On the worksheet Mailing Configurations, locate the line of the call return form Return from a service call. All the configuration settings that follow are to be done on the line that belongs to this form.
    1. In column Save in Document Management, select option When generating form from the drop-down list.
    2. Click the cell in column Documents Category to activate the drop-down list.
    3. Click the icon on the right-hand side to display the contextual window Select a record.
    4. Click the New button or select an existing document category that you can modify by clicking Modify.
    5. In the category record file window Maintenance of MACOMCAT.DON file, select the desired document category code, if needed, and check the box Include Mass Mailings.
    6. Click the Save icon.
    7. Click the Quit icon.
    8. Back on window Select a record, click Select.
  2. Still on the worksheet Mailing Configuration, locate the lines of the forms Service Call Invoicing. All the configuration settings that follow are to be done on the lines that belongs to this form. Also, these steps must be repeated for each of the five variants of the service call invoicing form.
    1. In column Save in Document Management, select option When generating form from the drop-down list.
    2. Click the cell in column Documents Category to activate the drop-down list.
    3. Click the icon on the right-hand side to display the contextual window Select a record.
    4. Click the New button or select an existing document category that you can modify by clicking Modify.
    5. In the category record file window Maintenance of MACOMCAT.DON file, select the desired document category code, if needed, and check the box Include Mass Mailings.
    6. Click the Save icon.
    7. Click the Quit icon.
    8. Back on window Select a record, click Select.
  3. Click the Save icon on the mailing configuration grid.
  4. Click the Quit icon.

Attach the form return from a service call to the invoice and print to the Viewer


maestro* > Service Management > Service Management > Processing > Return from a Service Call

  1. On window Return From a Service Call, select the relevant call from field Call Number.
  2. Validate or complete the information on the various tabs. Save if you made any changes.
  3. Click the Print icon and select Form from the drop-down list.
  4. On window Return From a Service Call, click the Transfer icon.
  5. Click the Quit icon.

maestro* > Service Management > Service Management > Invoicing > Preparation

  1. On window Preparation, validate the information and complete the invoice as usual.
  2. Click the Save icon.
  3. Click the Quit icon.

maestro* > Service Management > Service Management > Invoicing > Invoicing

  1. On window Invoicing, validate the information.
  2. Click the Print icon and select Invoice.
  3. From maestro* report viewer, save the document(s) through the File menu or print the contents of the viewer, print the document(s), or both.
  4. Click the Close icon.


Last modification: September 19, 2024