Service Call, Work Order, Project Work Order, Project Dispatch, etc.

What are the differences between a service call, a work order and a project work order?

Maestro* users can face different words and terms while using maestro* and maestro*MOBILE. It is important to understand their meanings and to differentiate them, even if differences may seem irrelevant at first sight. Some of these concepts refer to a specific interface and some word combination or name distinguish themselves by the billing method or by their level in a hierarchical structure.

  • Project
  • Master Project
  • Construction Project
  • Project Dispatch
  • Service Call
  • Work Order
  • Project Work Order
  • Service Work Order



The word project is extensively used in maestro*. It can refer to a project itself or to a part of a project in a project structure.

In the case a project structure must be established (to better assign responsabilities, to facilitate budget management or to follow costs), the word project is qualified.

Master Project

In the hierarchical structure proposed by maestro*, a master project can be created. This project level is the highest of the structure.

This project level is optionnal. For example, it is necessary for large-scale projects or in the case a manager wish to analyse the overall project expenses as well as the project expenses on multiple levels.

EXAMPLES: The construction of an hospital is a good example of master project. The development of a large condominium project is a good one too.

Construction Project

In maestro*, a contruction project can be defined as an umbrella project for one or many subproject(s). A construction project must feature in every project structures.

EXAMPLES: A construction project can be a care unit or the wing of an hospital. In this example, the hospital is the master project. An another example of a construction project can be a building or a phase in a large condominium construction project. Finally, a construction project does not have to be related to a master project. The construction of a small shopping center or of a road are a few other examples.


A subproject is a part of a construction project. Depending on the business needs, the number of subprojects can vary.

EXAMPLE: A subproject can be a floor in the construction of a building or a road section, etc.

Project Dispatch

A project dispatch is necessary a subproject, which means it is linked to a construction project. Unlike a regular subproject, this kind of subproject involves that it is subject to a dispatch, in maestro*. Daily entries can be completed from maestro*MOBILE Project interface.


Service Call

Service calls are not linked to a project but to a service agreement. They can be dispatched or not and processed with maestro*MOBILE and its interface, Service.


Work Order and Project Work Order

The main difference between a work order and a service call is the billing method. Work orders are not linked to a service agreement. They can be invoiced individually. Furthermore, all types of work order are related to a project. Like service calls, regular work orders, that are managed using maestro*MOBILE, show in the Service interface. They are often called service work orders.

Unlike project work orders, regular work orders are always dispatched from maestro*. Depending on the company desire, they can be managed or not with maestro*MOBILE. Thus, project work orders are never assigned to employees, using the dispatch grid in maestro*. They are created directly from the Field Service interface in maestro*MOBILE.


Last modification: September 19, 2024