Preparing the Project Interface prior to using maestro*MOBILE


This How to provides an overview of the configuration steps that users must follow to set up Projects before they can use the interface in maestro*MOBILE. Options such as employee access, putting together work teams and dispatching must first be configured in the main platform and passed on to maestro*MOBILE.


The steps that are covered in this document to use the maestro*MOBILE application may not reflect the work environment of all users. Depending on the particular needs of the client, users may have to define more parameters or configure them in a different order. Certain properties may already have been completed.



  • Project Dispatch



  1. Configuring EMPLOYEES, AUTHORIZATIONS and ACCESS control
    1. Create a contact
    2. Create a user ID number and associated access type
    3. Add an employee
    4. Understanding access and authorization control
  2. Configuring work TEAMS
    1. Create a team of employees
  3. Configuring TRADES
    1. Define trades
    2. Link trades to employees
  4. Configuring Professional CERTIFICATES
    1. Define certification
    2. Link certificates to employees
  5. Configuring BONUSES
    1. Define bonuses
    2. Link bonuses to employees
  6. Configuring the DISPATCH PROJECT
    1. Define the construction project
    2. Define sub-projects
    3. Define dispatch types
    4. Create a dispatch project
    5. Create a dispatch template
    6. Configure the dispatch grid and its filters
    1. Define the equipment types
    2. Define the equipment
    3. Link equipment to employees
  8. Configuring ACTIVITIES
    1. Manage activities with maestro*MOBILE
    2. Define employees’ default activity codes
    3. Define equipment’s default activity codes
    4. Define default activity codes for the trade codes
  9. Configuring the NON-AVAILABILITIES
    1. Define non-availability types
    2. Link non-availability information and work schedules to employees
  10. Configuring the OTHER OPTIONS
    1. Define recommendation types
    2. Configure interruption codes
    3. Configure criteria for employees’ assessment
    4. Configure additional fields
    5. Configure production
    6. Configure production by bid item
    1. Configure predefined sentences
    2. Configure catalogue items




Within the context of maestro*, the following three terms mean:




Any individual who is recorded in maestro* must first be entered as a contact. In maestro*, contacts can be employees, suppliers, customers, subcontractors, and so on.


An employee, in maestro*, refers to a salaried worker employed by the company.


Employees who use or who enter information in maestro* or maestro*MOBILE must be configured in the system as users.

Therefore, before users can dispatch projects, they must enter employees as contacts as well as employees. If said employees are to be called upon to act as dispatchers, or to use maestro*MOBILE in any way, they will also need to be defined as users.

Subcontractors, and anyone else, who are to be involved on the work site must also be recorded as contacts.

a. Create a contact


maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Contacts > Contact Management

  • When contacts are to become users of the project dispatch feature, fill out the field Dispatch Communication Mode in section Phone Number. Enter also a cell phone number.
  • For contacts who are to become employees, activate the check box Create a new record; you will be asked to create the employee’s record when saving the information in the contact management window. Maestro* will ask whether the new employee is to be linked to the Canadian payroll or the American one, and automatically open the Employee Management window.

b. Create a user ID number and associated access type

In maestro* main menu, click the Configuration icon and select Security Management to create a user ID for the contact.

  • Make sure you indicate the Type of Access (maestro*, Web Service/Mobile or maestro* and Web Service /Mobile) in section User Information in tab Description.
  • In the Description tab, select, if needed, a digital signature in section User’s signature.

To ensure that information is protected and that only the employee information that is required for the job is displayed in maestro*MOBILE, access to employee information must be restricted. In tab Access to Employees, in the Security Management window, the radio button User will have access to some groups of employees must be activated. At a later stage, it will be possible to select, in section Access by Groups of Employees, the groups of employees that are to be displayed in maestro*MOBILE.

Note that only maestro* users who have system administrator permissions can modify this security setting.

c. Add an employee


maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Employees > Employee Management

Pay attention to section Dispatch in tab Other Modules.

d. Understanding access and authorization control

It is important to understand how the various types of access work and the limitations to users of maestro*MOBILE. There are three types of access to be given users: foreman, team leader and employee. Based on users’ profiles access is given to pre-determined windows of the application.


2. Configuring work TEAMS

Work teams can be set up in maestro*. The person in charge of time entries and recording attendance can speed things up by processing an entire team instead of one employee at a time.

a. Create a team of employees


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Employee Teams


3. Configuring TRADES

a. Define trades


maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Time Management > Define Trades

Trade codes can be linked by default to employees and activities; however, these codes must be created beforehand.

b. Link trades to employees


maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Employees > Employee Management

  • In the Employee Management window, click the Trades and Unions tab for the given employee. In section Default Values, enter the relevant Trade Code as default value.
  • When employees have other skills that might be useful on sites, click the Activate specific configurations by trade check box and, in column Active, select the relevant skills.


4. Configuring professional CERTIFICATES

a. Define certification


maestro* > Time Management > Human Resources > Crew Management > Define Certificates

b. Link certificates to employees


maestro* > Time Management > Human Resources > Crew Management > Human Resources File

Required certificates are stated in any given construction project. In order for employees to be assigned to such a construction project, certification must be recorded in the employees’ file.


5. Configuring BONUSES

a. Define bonuses


maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll > Define Earning/Deduction Codes

  • In window Define Earning/Deduction Codes, make sure to select Bonus in field Type.
  • Activate the check-box options Available in transaction entries and Available in Mobile for each bonus that is created.

b. Link bonuses to employees


maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Employees > Employee Management

In window Employee Management, click the Bonuses and Deductions to record those bonuses that apply to the given employee.


6. Configuring the DISPATCH PROJECT

A construction project is a high-level element referred to as a “master project” that may include one or several sub-projects. Similarly, sub-projects themselves can include as many even lower-level sub-projects as are necessary to accomplish the job; and these lower-level sub-projects may be dispatched, or not.

Therefore, by the same logic a project that has been dispatched is necessarily a sub-project. Users must create at least one construction project, one sub-project and one dispatch project.

a. Define the construction project


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Project Management

  • In window Project Management, users must provide all the required information in tab Project Desc. Specifically, the Project Manager and the Site Supervisor must be identified. The project manager role can access all the dispatched sub-projects that are associated to a construction project.
  • Tab Activities and budgets is where users define the activities that are to be carried out for the construction project; activities that will trickle down to all the associated sub-projects and project dispatches. To add a new activity, click the Insert a new activity (F6) icon. Also, in the Activities and budgets tab, in section Available in Mobile users can check options Labour, Equipment, Material and Progress Percentage.
  • The tab Certificates is where users record the certifications that are to be associated to the construction project and that are likely to be required for the employees who are to work on the project.

b. Define sub-projects


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Project Management

Sub-projects are created, when needed, in the same window as the parent construction project. Users must enter information in the field Master Project to state to which parent project the given construction sub-project is linked.

c. Define dispatch types


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Dispatch > Define Dispatch Types

d. Create a project dispatch


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Dispatch > Dispatch Project Management



Note that a dispatch project can be linked directly either to a construction project or to a sub-project.

  • The Details tab, in window Dispatch Project Management is used to enter the required information about the foreman, the default work schedule as well as breaks (or lunch breaks) that are to be associated to the given dispatch.
  • To state the certifications that will be required for the given dispatch, go to the Certificates tab and select the required certifications. The list of certificates that is displayed was configured at the root of the parent, construction project.
  • In tab Activities users specify whether the activities defined at the level of the construction project can be used in the given project dispatch and if so, for which types of resources.
  • Make sure to activate the check box Allow the selection of sub-projects in activities, located in tab Mobile.

e. Create a dispatch template


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Dispatch > Dispatch Model Management

In projects, dispatch templates are used to configure and adapt the dispatch grid and its associated elements to the specific needs of users. Templates can be used, among other things, for the following:

  • Indicate the duration of the display of information;
  • Select the dispatches to be displayed;
  • Enter the text and other information that are to be displayed in the tooltips;
  • Assign automatically resources to projects;
  • Determine the content of certain e-mails;
  • Specify document categories in maestro*MOBILE;
  • Etc.

In section Text Message Provider, in tab Other, window Dispatch Model Management, users can record the information for the Twilio account of their company.

f. Configure the dispatch grid and its filters


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Dispatch > Project Dispatch

  • Click the Configuration icon to access the configuration windows that are required by the project dispatches and to select which options are to be displayed on the dispatch grid.
  • Click the Filter Configuration icon to filter the information that is to be displayed on the grid, based on a specific template, on the current user or any other user, depending on the security control selected by your company.

The parameters that are displayed in window Filter Configuration are determined by the dispatch settings (employees, equipment and projects) that were previously selected in window Project Dispatch.



a. Define the equipment types


maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Time Management > Define Equipment Types

Start by creating the categories of equipment as needed; for example, heavy machinery, semi-trailers, and so on.

b. Define the equipment


maestro* > Equipements > Preventive Maintencance > Maintenance > Equipment Management

To define the default location of the equipment and to link an activity code to the given equipment, use the tab Equipment in window Equipment Management.

c. Link equipment to employees


maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Employees > Employee Management

In window Employee Management, click the tab Other Modules to indicate, when needed, the equipment that is to be linked by default to the given employee.


Equipment must be linked by default to employees when the association equipment–employee is to be permanent, or when said equipment is essential to the employee’s specialisation or expertise.


8. Configuring ACTIVITIES

a. Manage activities with maestro*MOBILE


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Dispatch > Dispatch Model Management

Hours spent on a job can be entered in maestro*MOBILE and there is no need to specify to which activity refers the work done on site. Some companies prefer to make the foreman’s job easier on site and remove this information entry from maestro*MOBILE. In such cases, the time entry from the site will need to be carried out in maestro*.

Select tab Other in window Dispatch Model Management. In section Time Entry - Mobile, indicate your preference by checking, or not, the box Do not allow to enter activity.


When the field Activity is displayed in maestro*MOBILE, users must enter a value.

b. Define employees’ default activity codes


maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Employees > Employee Management

In the Employee Management window, click the Other Modules tab. Enter the default activity number that is to be linked with the given employee, in the Labour Activity field in Time Management section.

c. Define equipment’s default activity codes


maestro* > Equipements > Preventive Maintencance > Maintenance > Equipment Management

In the Equipment Management window, select the relevant equipment and click the Equipment tab where a default activity can be linked to the equipment.


Associating default activities with employees and equipment speeds up and simplifies time entry in maestro*MOBILE. When entering time in batches, the default activity code is displayed only when the same code applies to all the employees or equipment in the batch.

d. Define default activity codes for the trade codes


maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Time Management > Define Trades

In the Define Trades window, check the Available in mobile box displayed in the Daily Entry section so the trade is displayed in maestro*MOBILE. If necessary, add an activity code and a default group.


9. Configuring the NON-AVAILABILITIES

a. Define non-availability types


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Dispatch > Define Non-Availability Types

By defining non-availability types users can create various types of time-off or non-available-for-work type of time accounting; for example, holidays, sickness, and so on.

b. Link non-availability information and work schedules to employees


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Dispatch > Define Work Schedule

Define Work Schedules is used to link types of non-availability to employees. Defining default work schedules and availability for employees is also done in that window.


10. Configuring the OTHER OPTIONS

a. Define recommendation types


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Define Types of Recommendation

In order to categorize recommendations, the types of recommendations must first be configured.

b. Configure interruption codes

More information coming soon.

c. Configure criteria for employees’ assessment


maestro* > Time Management > Human Resources > Crew Management > Define Evaluation Criteria

The Employee evaluation tab of a dispatch project, in maestro*MOBILE is used to assess, when needed, the employees who are working on a given site. The criteria by which employees are to be assessed must be defined in maestro*.

d. Configure additional fields


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Daily Entry > Daily Entry

In maestro*MOBILE, the option Additional fields can be used to enter any additional information or questions to be answered that is deemed appropriate. Clients can used this space as they see fit. The fields that are to be filled out in the mobile device must first be configured in maestro*.

In window Daily Entry, click the tab Additional Fields in section Identification and click the Configuration button that is displayed on the panel’s top right-hand panel. The window Definition of additional fields will open.

e. Configure production


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Processing > Enter Production

Defining the parameters in window Production allow maestro*MOBILE users to share information about the project’s status.

f. Configure production by bid item


maestro* > Invoicing > Contractual Billing > Progress > Production by Bid Item

Defining the parameters that are required to manage a production by bid item allow maestro*MOBILE users to share information about the progress of project so that customers can be billed as each stage of the project is finished.



a. Configure predefined sentences


maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Mobile > Predefined Sentences

In an effort to standardize communication, to simplify and speed the process of managing projects through maestro*MOBILE, users can set up stock phrases in maestro*. These sentences can be used to provide additional information, about various topics, and be used in various pages of the dispatch project : for example, work description, requisitions, document/photo, material, absences, subcontractors, evaluation, interruption/description, interruption/comments.

b. Configure catalogue items


maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Employees > Employee Management

Maestro*MOBILE can be used to requisition items and to indicate how they are to be used, whether catalogue items or not. However, the Inventory module from maestro* must be first installed and configured. Items can be added to the catalogue at any time.


Last modification: September 19, 2024