Pictograms on the Advanced Dispatch Grid


Many of the pictograms (icons) on the dispatch grid have been designed specifically for dispatches; to indicate dispatch status or to provide further details about the dispatch. This document lists such pictograms and what they mean.



  • Project Dispatch
  • Call Dispatch


Dispatch Grid Pictograms — Project Dispatch

When the Dispatch view is set to Projects.

Version 3.04


A mauve vertical bar indicates that equipment is linked to the employee on the project dispatch.

A green circle indicates that the employee is on site and has started the work shift.

A red circle indicate that the employee is absent.

A yellow circle indicates that the resource has been dispatched and is now visible in the application maestro*MOBILE.

A transparent circle indicates that all the employees and equipment assigned to the given project dispatch have left the work site for the day.

An orange lock indicates that the work key number is different from the payroll company number.

Red arrows indicate that, the following day, the employee is not required for the project dispatch. No red arrows, on the other hand, indicates that the employee’s attendance is required.

NOTE: The default maestro* setting is that employee attendance is required for the following day.

A portrait indicates that the employee has an assistant that day. The icon is followed by the name of the assistant.

NOTES: In project dispatches the work schedule and activities assigned to assistants may be different that those of the employees. Furthermore, users can assign an assistant for a period lasting longer than a day by double-clicking the grid line showing the icon.

To give an assistant to an employee, select the employee and right-click to display the contextual menu. Users do not need to go on the dispatch grid to assign an assistant.

Tools indicate that the default equipment linked to the given employee was not available that day and has been replaced. To extend the use of the replacement equipment, double-click the line where the icon is displayed to open a contextual menu.

A red triangle indicates that a special equipment is left unused for the given project dispatch, and the given day.

This icon indicates that the project has been added to the employee’s Outlook calendar.


Dispatch Grid Pictograms — Service Calls and Work Orders

When the Dispatch view is set to Employees.

Version 3.04


A blue vertical bar indicates a new service call that has not yet been accepted by the technician.

A green vertical bar indicates a new work order that has not yet been accepted by the technician.

A black chain indicates that the employee to whom the service call or work order has been dispatched is part of a group of one or more other employees.

A black chain and a character indicates that the employee to whom the service call or work order has been dispatched is part of a group of one or more employees, and that he or she is the lead of that group.

A truck indicates that the technician is on the road to the work place.

A green thumb up indicates that the dispatched service call or work order has been accepted by the technician.

A red thumb down indicates that the dispatched service call or work order has been refused by the technician.

A blue “Play” button indicates that work is under way.

A green check mark indicates that the dispatch has been closed by the technician in maestro*MOBILE. When the dispatch is closed in maestro* the circle’s background color is gray.

A note indicates that a note or a comment has been sent to the dispatcher.

A portrait indicates that the employee has an assistant that day. The icon is followed by the name of the assistant.

NOTES: In service call or work order dispatches, the work schedule and activity that are assigned to the assistant are the same as those of the employee. To give an assistant to an employee, select the employee and right-click to display the contextual menu. Users do not need to go on the dispatch grid to assign an assistant. Users can assign an assistant for a period lasting longer than a day by double-clicking the grid line showing the icon.

When an employee works on the same service call or work order as another employee, but not in the role of assistant (meaning that the schedule or the activity of both employees are different), both employees must be dispatched separately on the dispatch grid.

Lastly, employees working on the same project, and on the same day, can be organized into a group by pressing Ctrl and clicking each employee. To form the group and select a lead, right-click to display a contextual menu. The lead is the only person who can close the day in maestro*MOBILE.

Tools indicate that the default equipment linked to the given employee was not available that day and has been replaced. To extend the use of the replacement equipment, double-click the line where the icon is displayed to open a contextual menu.

This icon indicates that the service call or the work order has been added to the employee’s Outlook calendar.


Last modification: September 19, 2024