Lexicon - Advanced Dispatch Grid


This document list the specific wording related to the advanced dispatch grid in maestro*.


Definition maestro*

Service call progression status

Refers to the progression status of a service call.

Example: The status of a service call being set to On the road.

Work order progression state

Refers to the progression state of a work order.

Example: The state of progression of a work order being set to In progress.

Dispatch status

Refers to the stage of the dispatch for the service call or the work order.

NOTE: The various folders correspond to the various dispatch statuses, or states, that users create to indicate the progression of service calls or work orders.

Example: A dispatch status of Assigned where the service calls that are listed are On the road and work orders are In progress.

Dispatch Filter

The View (or Filter) is used to filter, or select, the display of the dispatch grid. Below are the available display filters:

  • Current user: displays the dispatch grid based on the settings and configuration that are specific to the given user.
  • All users: displays the dispatch grid as configured for all the users.
  • Current Dispatch Template: displays the dispatch grid based on the settings and configuration that were defined for the template.

NOTE: Starting with version 3.04.33, only the term Filter will be used in maestro* to refer to the user-defined display of information.

Dispatch Template

Only available in the Advanced dispatch feature, the dispatch template is used to define one or several display models that are user specific and made to match the given user’s needs.

For example, users can create distinct models for service call and the work orders, or distinct models to work on a specific project, so that they can display the information differently and more easily.

NOTE: Before the availability of Advanced dispatch only one model could be configured through the Configurations feature.

Dispatch type or dispatch (Advanced dispatch)

Dispatch is used to display, in advanced dispatch mode, the list of employees, equipment or projects that are available.

In the actual dispatch, this field is named Dispatch Type. Used to display either service calls, work orders, quotations or projects.


Folders are created by users. They allow them to classify service calls and work orders according to the dispatch status or state that were previously defined. Each folder is associated to a numerical display code.

NOTE: Folders are displayed only when Dispatch is set to Employees.



Refers to service calls, work orders, projects or quotations.

NOTE: Not to be confused with the terms catalogue item or non-catalogue item.


Refers to employees, equipment, trades, equipment types, contacts or teams.

NOTE: Resources only show if the dispatch field is set to Projects.


Last modification: September 19, 2024