Copy a maestro* Production environment to a TEST Environment


There are four steps to copying a maestro* production environment (PROD) to a test environment (TEST):



  • Have Windows and maestro* administrative rights



Copy the PROD data to TEST

  1. Ensure that the same version of maestro* is installed on both environments, PROD and TEST, before initiating the process.

The TEST server update must be performed only after having prepared the copied data.

Not going through with this step could result in updating the PROD server before it being planned.

  1. Ensure that no users are logged into maestro* :
    1. On the PROD server, launch the Pervasive Monitor utility program and verify that, from the Active Sessions and Active FilesG windows, the maestro* files are not currently being used.
  2. Copy the entire content of the DATA directory, typically located at D:\Compt\Maestro\Data, from the PROD server to the TEST server.

If not all companies are required, only copy files from the DATA directory and the main company’s directory.

*.BAK, *.TMP, *.ORG and *.ZIP files can by omitted from the copy.

  1. Optional : To be performed only if images or forms have been added or modified. Copy the Images and Forms subdirectories from the SharedFiles directory, C:\Compt\Maestro\SharedFiles\Images or C:\Compt\Maestro\SharedFiles\Forms from the PROD server to the TEST server.
  2. Once the copying process if finished, users can reconnect to maestro* from the PROD environment.


Adjust the SharedFiles directory to the TEST server


This step is critical and ensures that, when the kit is published after an update, it is published on the appropriate server. If this step is not performed, the kit is published on the PROD server and brings about the update of the PROD environment.

  1. Launch the maestro* configuration utility program and select option #1 Configure this station as a maestro* client.
  2. Click Test your connection:
    • If the connection does not work: Adjust the configurations accordingly and test the connection again.
    • If the connection works: Share files directory (SharedFiles) is displayed in blue above the configurations, proceed to the next step.
  3. IMPORTANT* Click the blue link titled Click here to change the shared files directory.
  4. Enter the maestro* administrator information.
  5. Select the shared files directory on the TEST server.
    • If there is a shared network on the directory, the network path is selected.
    • This directory must be shared on the network if there are to be client stations connected to the data since this directory must be available from these client stations.
    • If there are to be only direct server connections used from the TS sessions, a non-shared path on the network can be used.
  6. Save the configuration.


Adjust the DDF to the TEST server

  1. Launch maestro* from the TEST server. The DDF should be adjusted to take the server move into account.
  2. Open each company. The DDF will adjust like the DATA ones.


Update maestro* on the TEST server


This step is only necessary if the user wants to test a new version of maestro* on the TEST server.

  1. Update maestro* as usual on the TEST server.
  2. Launch maestro*. The publication of the kit is displayed.
    1. Verify that the server path is actually on the TEST server.
    2. Enter the maestro* administrator information and publish the kit.
  3. After the publication, maestro* is launched. Proceed with the required data progression for the new version, on the TEST data.


The TEST environment is ready to operate without any risk of interfering with the PROD environment.


Last modification: September 19, 2024