Installing Actian PSQL Client V12 (Pervasive)


The procedure for installing Actian PSQL Client v12 (Pervasive) only involves one step; the configuration step is no longer required.


This procedure applies to maestro* version 3.03 and higher.



  • Have Windows Administrator rights;
  • Install .NET Framework 3.5.



  1. Click on the Install_PSQL_Client.exe installation program. The file is available in the \\Maestro_Server_Name\MaestroSharedFiles\Client directory (or M:\Maestro\SharedFiles\ Pervasive_Client for older installations).

Install_PSQL_Client.exe is a shortcut to the Action PSQL client installation program.

The exact name of this shortcut may vary depending on the Actian version.

Also depending on the Actian version, an update (patch) for the Actian PSQL client may be available; it can be found in the same folder.

  1. To the installation mode question, select Run as a Service.
  2. Click on Next for the following screens, then on Install.
  3. Once the installation is completed, click on Exit.


Last modification: September 19, 2024