Installing and Updating maestro* Using a Group Policy (GPO)


Installing maestro* using a Group Policy (GPO) lets you deploy maestro* automatically on workstations without the user having to be a Windows administrator on their workstation. This document presents the different steps necessary to its deployment.


Please read and understand this document in its entirety before starting the procedure.



This procedure is the responsibility of your IT team and is not of Maestro Technologies. In addition, the following procedure is an example and is not binding on Maestro Technologies: some steps may be performed differently.



  • The server on which the GPO will be created must have Windows Installer 4.5 or a higher version.
  • The target computers must be part of the domain.
  • The target computers must have Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.
  • The target computers must have Windows Installer 4.5 or a higher version.
  • The users on target computers must be logged off of their Windows session to receive updates, otherwise, they may have to restart their computer.
  • Maestro* must be installed on the server first. Maestro* kits must be published after the update.



Installing and updating maestro* using a GPO involve the following steps :


We invite you to consult the Appendix (Troubleshooting table) at the end of this document.



Initial configuration of the GPO

Preparation of the distribution directory for the GPO

  1. On your maestro* server, create a directory, for example D:\Maestro.GPO and share it on the network.
  2. Add read permissions to the directory and sharing for the Domain Computers group.

The network share must be accessible in read mode to the Domain Computers group. If the directory is a sub-directory on an existing share, the share must also be accessible in read mode to the Domain Computers group.


Creating the group policy to deploy maestro* via GPO

  1. Launch Group Policy Management: type GPMC.MSC in the Run box or launch it by clicking its icon in the Start menu.

GPEDIT.MSC is not the correct utility: it only edits local policies and not the domain policies.

  1. Open the Domains node in the Forest: your domain node.
  2. Right click the Your domain node and then Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here…

  1. Name the new GPO maestro.client.


Defining target computers with the GPO

  1. From the Active Directory, create a security group, for example maestro.GPO.Workstations, in which you will add the computers that must receive the maestro* update from GPO.
  2. Click the maestro.client item in the Group Policy Management window.
  3. In the Scope tab, remove all items and add the security group you just created.

It is very important to target computers for the GPO and not users directly.


Other settings to be activated in the GPO


GPO maestro.client > Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > System

  1. Activate the following settings:




Activate the Verbose vs normal status message option.


Activate the Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon option.

Group Policy

Activate the Startup policy processing wait time option.

  1. Enter the value 30 seconds in the Amount of time to wait field.


These settings will not be effective the first time the GPO will be executed. Therefore, the very first time, the maestro*/GPO update may not install until after the 2nd attempt or after the settings have been applied at least once.

To overcome this issue, prepare the GPO in advance without adding any MSI kit. Settings will thus be applied and effective when a maestro* update will be deployed.


The initial configuration of your GPO for maestro* deployment is now completed. You may now move to the next step: Updating or installing maestro* using a GPO.


Updating or installing maestro* using GPO

MSI kits extraction from the .exe file

In this step of the installing and updating from a GPO process, we will extract the required MSI packages from the .exe file, available from Guide website.

  1. Go to Guide website.
  2. Download the appropriate version from the Downloads tab.
  3. Open a Command Prompt with Administrative rights.
  4. Enter the following command: Maestro3.0X.XX.000.exe /stage_only /extract=1 /ISRootStagePath="C:\maestro_kits" /silent

Modify the file name Maestro3.0X.XXX.XXX.exe for the downloaded installation file name.

This command will result in the extraction of the suite packages in such a way they are put in C:\maestro_kits.

  1. Copy the following MSI kits into the Maestro.GPO directory, created previously :
    • Maestro.Kit.msi
    • MaestroThirdParties.Kit.msi
    • MaestroOutlookAddInSetup.3.0X.XXX.msi
    • Maestro Amyuni.msi
  2. Rename the MSI kits using the current version number, for example Maestro.Kit.msi will become Maestro.3.4.XX.msi.

This last step when installing or updating maestro* using a GPO is paramount!


Adding maestro* MSI kits to the GPO

  1. In the GPO management console, click the maestro.client GPO and then, right click Edit… This action will allow you to open the Group Policy Management editor.


Group Policy Management Editor > Computer Configuration > Policies > Software Settings

  1. Right click Software Installation.
  2. Click New then, Package…

  1. Choose one of the previously copied MSI packages that was extracted from the .exe.

Use the network share (created when preparing the distribution directory for the GPO) to choose one of the copied MSI kits. It is not possible to access the kits if the specified path is a local one.

Make sure the version number appears in the name of the kits to be selected, for example Maestro.

  1. In the Deploy Software window, select Advanced and click OK.


There may be a delay of a few minutes while the kit is analyzed and added to the GPO. It will look like nothing is happening on the screen but you need to be patient and wait until the process is complete.

If you receive an error message at this stage, it is likely that your server does not have Windows Installer 4.5. You can install Windows Installer 4.5 using Windows Update. This component is included with Windows 2008 R2 and higher (for servers) and any Windows version after Windows 7.

  1. In the General tab, rename maestro* using the current version number, for example maestro.3.4.XX.XXX.
  2. Choose one of the following three options, depending on the situation that applies to you :
    • If this kit allows you to update another GPO kit, do not close the maestro* Properties window.

You can redisplay the properties window by right-clicking on the maestro.3.4.XX.XXX item in the right panel, and then by clicking on Properties.

  • If this kit is the first one added to your maestro* GPO, close all windows. Your GPO will be ready and applied to all target workstations once all desired maestro* MSI kits are added.
  • If this kit allows you to update an existing kit :
    • Click Add… in the Upgrades tab.
    • Keep the default option Current Group Policy Object (GPO) checked.
    • Choose the version to update. If many versions are available, choose the most recent one.
    • Select the option Uninstall the existing package, then install the upgraded package.
    • Click OK and close the Properties window.

  1. Repeat the same steps (adding maestro*MSI kit to the GPO) for each of the MSI kits listed below, taking care to indicate the versions for each of the components:
    • Maestro.Kit.msi
    • MaestroThirdParties.Kit.msi
    • MaestroOutlookAddInSetup.3.0X.XXX.msi
    • Maestro Amyuni.msi
  2. Close all windows; your GPO is ready and will be applied to the targeted workstations. Maestro* installation will occur when starting the chosen workstations, before or after the connection. Users will see the following message on their workstation screens, before viewing their desktop:



Troubleshooting Table



Maestro* is not installing and the GPO seems correct. On the failed workstation(s), you observe:

  • In the event viewer, you see events 101, 103, 108 and 1112.
  • The details of event 101 indicate error 1274 when assigning the application.
  1. Check that all of the GPO settings specified in the Other parameters to be activated in the GPO section have been applied.
  2. Enable the Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon policy. To do this, edit your maestro.client policy and navigate to:

GPO maestro.client > Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > Logon

  • Double click Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon.
  • Click Enabled.
  • Close all editing windows of the maestro.client strategy.

Can I remove old MSI kits in my deployment directory?

In short, no.

We recommend against removing old MSI from your deployment directory because workstations that have installed these kits may reference them in the future, either to repair or uninstall.

We recommend that you always keep at least two previous versions that you deployed in GPO mode in your GPO deployment directory.

When does the group policy apply?

When the workstation is started.

Group policies that install software targeting a workstation (rather than a user) typically perform their functions when the workstations start. Therefore, starting the workstation while the GPO is being applied will take longer than usual because maestro* will be installed.


Last modification: September 19, 2024