Resetting the DDF/ODBC in maestro* (version 3.04 and up)

To System Administrators and IT Technicians,

This document allows the reset of DDF/ODBC in the case where a maestro* update did not install properly; for example: the work stations in URI mode no longer connect or an SQL query no longer works.


Before proceeding, make sure to use the maestro* server console.

Important: No connection to maestro* or to Pervasive SQL is permitted on the maestro*file server during the resetting of the DDF other than the one used to reset the DDF/ODBC.



ATTENTION! The URI mode directly uses the DDF/ODBC files. They thus cannot be reconstituted if they are in use. Therefore, the user resetting the DDF/ODBC must imperatively be the only user in maestro* and reset the DDF/ODBC from the maestro* data server console.

If there is a problem with the DDF/ODBC, the work stations in URI mode and the SQL queries will not work correctly.




Verify that there are no active connections on the maestro* data server


ATTENTION! Ensure all users have exited maestro*.

If you are using the duplication, the mobility, the Web Service or the BI Service, you must stop these services; if not, proceed to step 2:

  1. Stop the Webserver and BiJobExecutor, Maestro Service and Maestro Duplication services.
    1. Click on the Start icon.
    2. In the Run section, enter services.msc and press Enter. The Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager window is displayed.
    3. If you are using the BI: Position the cursor on the maestro*BIJobExecutorService service and with the help of the right-click of the mouse, stop the service.
    4. If you are using the Web Service: Position the cursor on the Maestro Web/Winsock service and with the help of the right-click of the mouse, stop the service.
    5. If you are using the mobility: Position the cursor on the Maestro service and with the help of the right-click of the mouse, stop the service.
    6. If you are using the duplication: Position the cursor on the Maestro Duplication and with the help of the right-click of the mouse, stop the service.
  2. In the IIS Manager, stop the following application pool:
    1. Click on the Start icon.
    2. In the Run section, enter inetmgr and press Enter. The IIS Manager window is displayed.
    3. Click on the arrow in order to expand the server tree.
    4. In the Connections section, click on Application Pools.
    5. Position the cursor on the ASP.NET v4.0 Maestro and with the help of the right-click of the mouse, stop the service.
    6. Repeat this operation with every other application pool containing the name “Maestro”.
  3. Validate that there are no active maestro* connections with the help of Pervasive Monitor.
    1. Click on the Start icon.
    2. In the menu: All Programs > Pervasive PSQL 11 > Utilities
      Start PSQL Monitor.
    3. Click Microkernel > Active Sessions…
      Remaining active connections are displayed as well as who is still connected.

You can force the user to exit by clicking on the Delete Current Session button; OR all the users by clicking on the Delete All Sessions button.

Note that if you force the exit, the user will receive a multitude of error messages and will have to close maestro* completely before reusing it.



IMPORTANT! No user can appear in this screen. If users are listed in this screen, they must absolutely close maestro* on their work station.

If there is a user named SRDE, it is because a software other than maestro* is using the Pervasive SQL data. There are strong chances that it is one of the services mentioned in step 1.

  1. Start maestro* and open the main company.


Erase and reset the DDF/ODBC

  1. Open the ODBC Management.
  2. From the ODBC Management option, select the master database and the main company.
  3. Click on the Reset DDF button.
  4. Close maestro* and restart it (to validate MAESTRODDF).
  5. Open the main company to validate the DDFs for this company.
  6. Return to the company selection.
  7. Open the next company.
  8. Open the ODBC Management.
  9. Select the company currently open.
  10. Click on the Reset DDF button.
  11. Return to the company selection and reopen the company to validate the DDFs.
  12. Repeat from step 6 for each of the companies to reset.
  13. Close maestro*.
  14. Restart the Webserver, BiJobExecutor, Maestro Service and Maestro Duplication services.

ATTENTION! If after these steps the DDF/ODBC are still not functional, you must communicate with the maestro* support team for further assistance.


Last modification: September 19, 2024