SQL Passwords Strategies

To all of our SQL and CLOUD customers

Maestro strongly encourages its customers to develop a password strategy that corresponds to the highest IT security standards. The most complex passwords are created to discourage cyberattacks by increasing the number of possible combinations.

When a new complex password strategy in implemented, all new passwords must respect the following criteria:

  • The password must be composed of at least 8 characters.
  • The password must not include the user's name.
  • The password must possess characters from at least three of the four following categories:
    1. Capital letters from the latin alphabet (A to Z).
    2. Lower case letters from the latin alphabet (a to z).
    3. Basic number (0 to 9).
    4. Non-alphanumeric characters, such as an exclamation point (!), a dollar symbol ($), a number symbol (#), a percentage symbol (%).

Maestro* requires that each user in SQL mode uses a complex and secure password.


Changing a Password

  1. In the maestro* connexion screen, click on the Option link.
  2. Check the Modify Password option.

  1. In the Password field, enter the current password.
  2. Click on Accept.
    The pop-up window Modify Password appears.

  1. Enter a new passowrd in the given field, respecting the before-mentionned criteria.
  2. Repeat the password in the Verify New Password field.
  3. Click on Ok.
    The new password will be saved.


Last modification: September 19, 2024