Verify which users are logged into maestro* with Actian PSQL Monitor v12.xx


The purpose of this document is to guide you in the use of PSQL Monitor V12; this tool is used to ensure that no user is working in maestro* when you need to apply an update or perform a valid security backup. PSQL Monitor V12 can check if files from the maestro* database are open.



  • Working from the maestro* database server;
  • Have Windows Administrator privileges.



Validate that there are no active maestro* connections

  1. Click on the Windows Start menu icon.
  2. In the search field enter PSQL Monitor and start the application.
  3. Select your database server and click OK.



  1. Click on the MicroKernel Sessions tab. You will then see if there are any active connections and who is still connected.

If the SYSTEM or SRDE:MASTER user is displayed, a service (in other words, a user) is connected.




You can force the disconnection of the selected user by clicking on Delete Selected MDE session or of all users by clicking on Delete All sessions. If you force a disconnection, the disconnected user will have a multitude of error messages and will have to close maestro* completely before being able to reuse it.


If you are using one of the maestro* services like Web Service, mobility, duplication or BI Service, you must stop these services to disconnect them (see next section). Peruse the next section of this document for the details.

You can also stop both Actian PSQL services in order to force the disconnection of sessions that do not close.


Stop a maestro* service

It is necessary to stop the following services before starting the maestro*update process.

  1. Click the Windows Start icon on the toolbar.
  2. The Services window is displayed. In the Execute section, enter services.msc and press the Enter key. The Services window is displayed.
    • If you are using the BI Service: Drag the mouse pointer over maestro*BIJobExecutorService and, using the right mouse button, stop the service.
    • If you are using the Web Service: Drag the mouse pointer over Maestro Web/Winsock service and, using the right mouse button, stop the service.
    • If you are using mobility: Drag the mouse pointer over maestro*Service and maestro* Duplication and, using the right mouse button, stop the service.
    • If you are using duplication: Drag the mouse pointer over maestro* Duplication and, using the right mouse button, stop the service.


Last modification: September 19, 2024