Misc Catalogue Lists


The Misc Catalogue Lists function is used to generate the reports created in the system for transactions conducted on catalogue items.


  • Catalogue Management
  • Transactions must have been conducted involving the selected item.


To generate a catalogue listing:

  1. Make a Report Selection.
  2. Select the Date Range.


These are transaction dates.

  1. Select the other choices based on specific requirements.



  • Asset Account

Inventory account.

  • Product Mask

Product code mask.

NOTE: For example, if the letters MA are entered, only product codes that start with the letters MA will be included on the report.

  • Product Code

Product code from Catalogue Management.

  • Supplier

Supplier code from Supplier Management.

  • Printing Order
    • 0 – Type
    • 1 - Item No 1 to 4
    • 5 - Code

According to the type entered in the Type field in Catalogue Management.

According to the part number entered in the PartCode field in Catalogue Management.

According to the product code entered in the Code field in Catalogue Management.

  • Output Type

Lets you select where the report will be displayed. The choices are 1 - Viewer or 2 – Pivotal View.

NOTE: It may be necessary to modify the reports in the pivotal view for presentation purposes. The user will be able to modify his own reports or use the services of Maestro.

  • Site

Site from Define Sites.

  • Location

Where the item can be found on the site.

  • Type

Product type from Define Item Types.

  • Stock
    • 0 – All
    • 1 – With Quantity
    • 2 – Without Quantity

All items in stock.

Only items with a quantity (not equal to0).

Only items without quantities (at 0).

  • Threshold
    • 0 – All
    • 1 – Under

Based on the threshold determined for the item in Catalogue Management.

All items.

Only items below the minimum threshold.

  • Unit

Used to print a list by unit or for the total of units.

NOTE: For example, for 800 linear feet of steel in 20 pieces of 40 feet, you can only see 800 feet or the breakdown by unit.

  • Creation Date

Date on which the item was created in the catalogue.

  • Status

Status of the item in Catalogue Management.

  1. Click Accept.

See also:

Supplier Management

Define Sites

Define Item Types


Last modification: September 20, 2024