List of Invoices Coll/Paid in Advance


The List of Invoices Coll/Paid in Advance option is used to view information related to the invoices received or paid in advance. It is used to balance the total deferred income to the general ledger.






maestro* > Accounting > Financial Management > Deferrals > List of Invoices Coll/Paid in Advance


Prepare the report for invoices received or paid in advance

  1. Select an Invoice Date Range or Calculation Date Range.



Transferred Invoices Only

Displays only the invoices transferred with the Transfer Invoices Received/Paid in Advance option if the box is checked.

  1. Select a Trans. Type (type of transaction).
  2. Select an Invoice Status.
  3. Select a Category.
  4. Select a User No.
  5. Click Accept.


See also


Last modification: September 20, 2024