

The Shipping option is used to enter the delivery of items and / or services rented and / or sold to the customer. It is linked to a customer order that has already been entered and transferred.


The inventory is adjusted when the transaction is transferred.

You can click the Reverse this Entry icon to reverse the delivery of transferred merchandise. A new transaction is generated that contains the same data as the original receipt, except for the quantities, which are now negative. The proposed date is the date of the transaction, but it can be changed.



  • Customer Order
  • Configuration





Create shipping

  1. Select or enter the customer order number.
  2. Click Accept.


The available information is from the selected order.

  1. Enter the required information:


You can view closed items on an order by checking Display Closed Items.




Customer order number.


Code and name of the customer.


Delivery Date.

Delivery No.

Number assigned automatically by the system when the transaction is saved.

NOTE: You can enter a number manually before saving.


Default site for sold items.

NOTE: The sites are from Define Sites option.

  1. Enter the required information in the Breakdown tab:



Inventory Code

Inventory code from Catalogue Management.

NOTE: This field cannot be modified.


Description of the item.

NOTE: This field cannot be modified.

NOTE: By default, the system displays the description of the catalogue item on the delivery form.

You can change the display of this description by completing the Building the Description field in the Configuration option in invoicing module, in the Customer Orders section.


Conversion unit.

NOTE: The unit varies based on the factor entered in the item in the Catalogue Management option.

NOTE: The arrow is used to select a specific item in stock.


Actual site of the item.


Actual location of the item in the system.


Item characteristic.


Item identification.

NOTE: The arrow is used to enter the various serial numbers if the element management method for the item is set to Serial No. in Catalogue Management.

Reservation No.

Reservation number assigned by the system on transfer of the customer order.

NOTE: The reservation number is assigned when the order is created if Procurement Management is checked and cannot be changed.

Qty Ord.: Invt.

Quantity ordered based on the inventory unit.

NOTE: This field cannot be modified.

Inv. Unit

Unit of measure associated with the inventory in Catalogue Management.

NOTE: This field cannot be modified.

Qty Ord.: Cust.

Quantity ordered according to the customer's unit.

NOTE: This field cannot be modified.

Cust. Unit

Unit of measure associated with the customer in Catalogue Management.

NOTE: This field cannot be modified.

Qty Available

Quantity available in stock at the time of delivery.

NOTE: This field cannot be modified.

Qty to Deliver Cli.

Quantity to be delivered to the customer based on the customer’s unit.

NOTE: This field cannot be modified.

Qty Delv.: Invt.

Quantity on the order delivered based on the inventory unit.

NOTE: When you enter the inventory quantity delivered, the quantity delivered to the customer is adjusted automatically.

NOTE: You can use shortcut keys to complete the quantities to be delivered (Ctrl-F2 to assign the quantity delivered from the quantity to be delivered on all lines or Ctrl-F1 to assign the quantity delivered from the quantity to be delivered for the current line only).

Qty Delv: Cust.

Quantity delivered on the order based on the customer's unit.

NOTE: When you enter the quantity delivered to the customer, the inventory quantity delivered is adjusted automatically.

NOTE: This is the only column that must be completed to make a delivery.

Tx 1

Tax code applicable, for information purposes.

NOTE: To determine the source of the tax code and applicable tax rates, refer to help on Reading Tax Codes in maestro*.

Tx 2

Tax code applicable, for information purposes.

NOTE: To determine the source of the tax code and applicable tax rates, refer to help on Reading Tax Codes in maestro*.


If the box is checked, indicates that the line has been closed.

NOTE: The line is closed automatically when the delivered quantity equals the ordered quantity.

NOTE: You can check this box to specify indicate that the remaining quantities will never be delivered.

  1. Enter the required information in the Add Item tab:



Inventory Code

Inventory code from Catalogue Management.


Description of the item.


Conversion unit.

NOTE: The unit varies based on the factor entered in the item in the Catalogue Management option.


Site on which the item is located.


Actual location of the item in the system.


Item characteristic.


Item identification.

Reservation No.

Reservation number.

NOTE: This number can be entered manually by the user.

NOTE: For an item added to the delivery, the reservation number should only be entered if the user wants to select from the quantities already reserved. If the user enters a non-existent reservation number, a negative inventory reservation is created because the delivery decreases the quantity in inventory.

Qty Invt

Quantity delivered based on the inventory unit.

Inv. Unit.

Unit of measure associated with the inventory in Catalogue Management.

Customer Qty

Quantity delivered based on the customer's unit.

Cust. Unit

Unit of measure associated with the customer in Catalogue Management.


Determines the activity to which the expense is assigned for each breakdown line.

NOTE: You must specify an Activity to which the addition will be posted.

Tx 1 & Tx 2

Tax code applicable.

NOTE: To determine the source of the tax code and applicable tax rates, refer to help on Reading Tax Codes in maestro*.

  1. Specification tab: used to view the specifications entered when entering the customer order.
  2. Order Memo tab: used to view the memo entered when the customer order was entered.
  3. Click on Save and Print.


See also

  • Define Sites
  • Catalogue Management
  • Invoice Customer Orders
  • Customer Order Inquiry
  • Reading Tax Codes in maestro*