Security Groups


The Security Groups option, as its name indicates, is used to define security groups. These groups allow limiting access to certain employees when generating the payroll and employee reports - access to employee information can be manage individually, meaning by selecting one by one the employees for which a user can see the data, but also by employee groups. Indeed, if we select the parameter titled User will have access to some groups of employees in the Access to Employees tab of the Security Management option, it is then necessary to check the authorized employee group codes in the Access by Groups of Employees section. In fact, it is in the employee file (Employee Management option, available through the following path: maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll > Employee Management) that you may indicate whether an employee belongs to an employee group, in the Security Group field.

Employee groups can be created according to the needs and structure of the company and/or through common employee characteristics or functionalities. They eliminate the need to check the employee's name in Security Management option every time a new employee is recruited, for all users authorized to view the employee's information. If necessary, indicate that the new employee belongs to a group of employees for security purposes when creating the employee record in maestro* (via the Employee Management option).



  maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll > Security Groups


Creating a Security Group

  1. Enter the required information:


The Configuration icon is used to define entry options for the Number field.




Security group number.


Name of the security group.

  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: September 19, 2024