Reprint Last Pay


The Reprint Last Pay option is used to reprint only payroll cheques or pay slips for the last pay paid to an employee.



  • Print Cheques




maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Miscellaneous > Reprint Last Pay


Reprint pay cheques and/or payslips

  1. Select the Bank Account.


Complete the required fields based on specific requirements.




Select the employees that belong to a group.

Employees without group

If the box is checked, prints an employee without a group.

Pay Cheque Date

Date to be printed on the cheque.

NOTE: The date indicated will replace the original print date if you answer Yes to the print status confirmation.


    • Print cheques
    • Print bank deposits

Tells the system the type of cheque to be printed.

Reprints the cheques.

Reprints bank deposits.


The formats of cheques to be used are configured using the Bank Accounts function.

  1. Click Accept.
  2. Select the pay cheque(s) to be reprinted.
  3. Confirm the print status by clicking Yes or No.


See also

  • Bank Accounts