Lien Management


The Lien Management function is used to manage liens linked to projects. These liens can be from suppliers or their suppliers. When you enter a disbursement by project or a disbursement by supplier, the system displays the total amount of liens linked to the project for information purposes. This option also allows you save the dates and amounts of payments for each lien. A list can be printed from this screen.


You can view the liens linked to a project in Project Inquiry.






maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Processing > Lien Management


Enter a lien

  1. Enter the required information in the Detail tab:
Fields followed by the * character are mandatory fields.




Automatically displays a code when a new lien is entered matching the sequential number.


Status of the lien.

NOTE: The two following values are possible: Active or Closed.


Supplier’s contact name.


Contact's telephone number.

Reference No.

Supplier's reference number.


Date of the lien.


Supplier with the lien.


Project affected by the lien.


Number of the order linked to the lien.


Amount of the lien.

CAUTION! If the subcontract is linked to a lien, when the subcontract is transferred, the amount of the lien is updated automatically to include the additions to the contract. The updated amount is the amount of the change orders, including taxes. To ensure that the lien amount is updated, the Supplier, Project and Contract No. fields in the Subcontract must match the fields on the lien.


Displays the total amount of payments that have been recorded in the Releases table for information purposes.

End Date

Displays the end date of the lien for information purposes.

NOTE: The status displayed automatically if the payments match the amount of the lien.


Allows you to specify the priority level of the lien. The following values are available: Prioritized, 2nd level, 3rd level, and 4th level.

  1. Releases section:

This section lets you enter payments made following a lien. If the amount of payments match the amount of the lien, the system changes the status of the lien to Closed.





Date of the payment.


Amount of payment.

  1. Click Save.


Print the List of Liens

  1. Click on the small arrow to the right of the Print icon and select List of Liens.
  2. If needed, select a template in the Project section.
  3. Select the concerned projects or check All Projects.
  4. In the Status field, select the status of the liens that must be in the list: All, Active, or Closed.
  5. Click on the Accept icon.
  6. The list of liens is displayed.


See also


Last modification: September 20, 2024