
September 5, 2024


Dear maestro* customers,


We proudly present the main developments that were added to maestro* and maestro*MOBILE in this update.

Happy reading,


The Maestro Technical Writing team







Time Management

P-57114, P-57624, P-59786, 181152, 192673













Field Work Orders

193650, 193652, 193557




194080, 194688



Accounting Module


List of Taxes Collected/Paid


maestro* > Accounting > General Ledger > Reports > List of Taxes Collected/Paid



Modification made so that a transaction created in the Prepare Progress Billing option with a holdback amount is correctly reported in the List of Taxes Collected/Paid report.


Projects Module


Pivotal Project Analysis by Period


maestro* > Projects > Analysis and Inquiry > Projects > Pivotal Project Analysis by Period



Improvement made to optimize option performance.


Time Management Module


Payroll Calculation


maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Calculation



Improvement made to use the hourly contribution rates by sector defined in the Define Committees option to calculate contributions.


Print T4 and RL-1


maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > T4 and RL-1 > Print T4 and RL-1 > Generate Data



Improvement made to read the value in the new Employer-Offered Dental Benefits field of the Employee Management option.


Define Committees


maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll > Define Committees



Improvement made to add new fields for defining different employee and employer hourly contribution rates by sector.

Previously, there was only one rate that applied to all sectors, and only the employer paid the contribution. We have added three fields for the employee part and three fields for the employer part.


Employee Management


maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Employees > Employee Management

maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll > Employee Management



Modification made to allow an employee to be exempted from the calculation of the Employer Health Tax contribution (FSS in Quebec and EHT outside Quebec), by checking the box for this purpose in the Income Taxes tab, Provincial section, of the employee file.

Some clients wanted to exempt certain employees from the calculation of the Employer Health Tax (EHT), equivalent to the Fonds des services de santé (FSS) in Quebec.
They thought this was what the Health Contribution (Contribution santé in French) exemption key in the Income Taxes tab of the Employee Management option was for, but this is not the case.
Originally, the exemption key was added for Quebec, but this contribution no longer exists in Quebec. When the health insurance tax was added in Ontario, we used the same functionality. Therefore, we decided to use this checkbox to allow an employee to be exempted from the FSS/EHT calculation.


CCQ Employer's Monthly Report


maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Reports > CCQ Employer's Monthly Report



Modification made to the display of the number of weeks worked.


Invoicing Module


Prepare Progress Billing


maestro* > Invoicing > Contractual Billing > Progress > Prepare Progress Billing



Modification made to correctly calculate taxes when manually modifying holdback rates on a sales slip item.


Purchasing Module


Stock Order from Catalogue


maestro* > Purchasing > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Stock Order from Catalogue



Modification made to allow, when the transfer mode of orders to ElekNet defined in the configurations is set to Manual, to transfer the order to ElekNet without having first saved it.


Equipment Module


Usage Meter Management


maestro* > Equipements > Preventive Maintenance > Processing > Usage Meter Management



Improvement made to make the Import an Excel File function available in the contextual menu of the breakdown grid.

In the Usage Meter Management option of the Preventive Maintenance module, the Import an Excel file function was not available in the breakdown grid.



Maestro*MOBILE Projects Interface



maestro*MOBILE > Projects



Modification made to use the activity specified or not in the dispatch model if the untaken meal and break times management has been activated.


Maestro*MOBILE Service Interface



maestro*MOBILE > Service



Improvement made to always display the material used for a work order, even if it has been transferred via the maestro* Work Order option.


Maestro*MOBILE Field Work Orders Interface



maestro*MOBILE > Field Work Orders



Modification made to add a new functionality called Work Order Hours Summary, allowing to view the hours entered in work orders.

This improvement stems from the request of a client who needed foremen who create work orders and enter hours to be able to view employee time entries, much like in the Hours Summary of the Project interface.


Improvement made to add the following information to the summary: the Trade, the Year or Level, and the Annex.

When our clients showed the summary of the work order to their customers, certain information was missing (trade, year or level of apprenticeship, and annex). This information will also be displayed in each time entry.


Modification made to allow specifying the work order start and end dates when creating a new work order.


Maestro*MOBILE Inspections Interface



maestro*MOBILE > Inspections



Modification made to display the title of the signature configured in the Inspection Type Management and to display only contacts with the Active status.

For a project inspection, one or several signatures can be made mandatory when completing the inspection. This can be configured in the inspection type. However, the system seemed to display all existing contacts and did not filter by project and/or customer. Moreover, the signature title was not displayed, which was problematic when more than one signature was configured.


Maestro*MOBILE Timesheets Interface



maestro*MOBILE > Timesheets



Improvement made to keep the tab selected when adding or modifying hours.

Some of our clients were experiencing an irritating situation when approving timesheets for the the previous week: every time the team leader saved a timesheet, the application took him back to the main menu, in the In Progress section.


Modification made so that the team leader not responsible for entering time can add time only to employees who have completed their timesheets.