Field Work Orders interface icons

Icon Title Used to

Add or display a new element on the page.

Minimize or Remove

Minimize elements from the page.


Return to the previous page.


Move to the next page.

View Information

View the entire summary of the field work order (such as information on the project, items, labour, work status) on the Project Details page.


Modify the entry.


Access the following modules and options:

  • Projects
  • Service
  • Field Work Orders
  • Recommendations
  • Inspections
  • Approvals
  • Timesheets
  • Receipt of Goods
  • Punch In / Punch Out
  • Inventory-Project Transfer
  • Inventory-Site Transfer
  • Calendar
  • Help
  • Settings
  • Logout
Save or Add

Save information or add content.

Delente Entry

Delete an entry.


Show that a field work order is “ongoing”.


Show that a recommendation is “completed”.

Enter Time

Specify the employee’s or team’s time worked or the time during which the equipment was used.

Take Attendance

Validate the employee’s, team’s, or equipment’s presence on the work site.


Access the field work order’s summary so it can be signed by the contact.


see also


Last modification: août 06, 2024