
Welcome to the great community of maestro* users! 

On this portal, you will find a number of documents to enhance your experience with maestro* and to better understand how the software works. In addition to that, you will find all information necessary to prepare, make decisions, and ensure the smooth running to the software's implementation. Concepts, constructions practices, user guides, best practices, and checklists have been grouped to bring you the maestro*WAY.

Happy reading and have fun using maestro*!



Discover the notions and concepts behind maestro*'s design to get an overview of the software's functionalities, get a glimpse of the range of possibilities offered and finally, guide your decisions during the implementation process.



For each of the software modules, consult the lesson plan defined by the implementation specialists.

Find out what courses are offered, which employees are required to attend, and prepare yourself to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to use maestro*.



These documents are aligned with the course outlines and are designed to support your learning!

The lessons to know and remember are listed step by step; in short, How Tos for almost all of maestro*'s functions... and more!



Everything is gathered here to make you more independent:

  • Forms for maestro* Implementation Project Kick-Off
  • Toolbox:
    • Shortcut Keys
    • Frequently used basic procedures
  • Links to Help and Support Resources:
    • maestro* and maestro*MOBILE Online Help
    • How Tos and Technical References
    • Guide Portal
  • Lexicon