Creating a Company in maestro*


Long after maestro* is deployed for the first time, it may be necessary to set up a new company to meet any number of needs. As a rule, new companies are needed to create separate legal entities. Such as needing to create a new management company, to integrate a new entity —following the purchase of a company, for example— or to group several companies under single ownership.


ATTENTION! The new company must mandatorily be created FROM THE DATA SERVER DIRECTLY and not locally on a workstation. Furthermore, the latter can only be created by a user with an Administrator access.

The source company (or the one from which the data will be copied) must be closed and must NOT be in use by any user during the process.

The company creation methods referred to in this document are applicable to maestro*'s classic operational mode only.

Please note that any assistance for preexisting procedures will be charged.



After the creation of the company, it must be opened directly from the server before closing maestro* to ensure all files have been properly created.



For the creation of test companies in multidimensional mode, view the How To Creating and updating a test company in maestro*.



  • Must have administrative permissions in maestro*
  • Working from the maestro* data server (not from a workstation)
  • Using an administrator account in maestro* to initially create the test company
  • Have certain information about the company readily at hand, for example:
    • Address
    • RBQ, GST, QST, and so on
    • Cost groups, chart of accounts, bank accounts
    • Etc.



Method A

  • Create a new company, that is, a blank company.

Method B

  • Copy an existing company to create a new one that:
    • Method B1 - Complies with the source company including existing transactions;
    • Method B2 - Complies with the source company, but without any existing transactions (initialization);
    • Method B3 - Includes only the chart of accounts and, optionally, suppliers, clients or project templates from the copied company.

Method C

  • Create several companies to be combined into a single group or create several departments within a single company (the multidimensional mode).


See Also


Last modification: February 20, 2025