Configuring the use of emails in maestro*


Several maestro* functionalities either enable or require sending emails. Before using these functionalities, it is necessary to set some parameters, which vary depending on the users email account.

This How to describes the steps involved in configuring the use of emails with maestro* as well as the characteristics specific to each possibility.



  • Email account
  • Administrator-level account in maestro*





Determine the Email Mode

The email mode used in maestro* can be classified in one of the following four categories:




The Other category is linked to all email software other than Outlook set up and configured on a workstation (for instance, the Thunderbird email application).

In this situation, the software uses the “MAIL” account configured in Windows (using the “MAPI dll”). Once the Other option is selected in the General Settings (see the Select the default email software step), no additional configuration is required in maestro*.

Maestro* can then send emails though some functionalities, such as the contact synchronization, cannot be used.


The Outlook email software that is part of the Microsoft Office suite is used by a vast majority of customers. In fact, it is the default option in maestro*.

Once Outlook is installed and configured on the user’s workstation and the option is selected in the General Settings (see the Select the default email software step), the user is all set.No additional configuration is required in maestro*

Maestro* uses the email account configured of the user’s current Outlook software.

Lotus Notes

Though barely used these days, the Lotus Notes category is still present in maestro*. As its name indicates, it can be used with that email software.


The advantage of the SMTP category (which stands for “Simple Mail Transfer Protocol”) is that is doesn’t require installing and configuring an email software (such as Outlook) on the users’ workstations.

SMTP can be useful in “terminal server” or TS environments. It is also the mode that MUST be used with maestro*CLOUD. The majority of email service suppliers (Hotmail, Gmail, Office 365, etc.) have an SMTP configuration which is most often available on the web.


Select the Default Email Software

No matter the email mode used, a default mode must first be identified.

  1. From the maestro* main menu, click the Configuration icon displayed on the taskbar.
  2. Select the General Settings option.
  3. On the right part of the window, in the General section, select the Mail Software from the dropdown menu. Possible options are Other, Outlook, Lotus Notes, and SMTP.
  4. Click the Save icon.
  5. Click the Quit icon.

If the selected Mail Software is Other, Outlook or Lotus Notes, no other configuration is required in maestro*.


Set Parameters Specific to the SMTP Communication Protocol

After selecting the SMTP option in the General SettingsMail Software field, set the following additional parameters:


maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Processing > General Settings

  1. Once in the General Settings window, open the General Settings tree structure (left side of the window) then click Miscellaneous.
  2. On the right side of the window, complete the generic information in the Configuration of the SMTP email account section.
    1. Enter the server name in the field of the same name.
    2. Input the port number in the Port field.
    3. Check the Use SSL encoding box.
  3. Click the Save icon.
  4. Click the Quit icon.

As every user’s email address is different from the others, configure each one’s email address.


maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Processing > Security Management

  1. In the Security Management window, identify the user by completing the Number or Name field in the Identification section.
  2. Click the Description tab.
  3. Complete the User-Specific Email Configuration section and check the box in front of the section name.
    1. Enter the user name.
    2. Input the email address in the “From” Address field.
    3. Check the information displayed in the General Settings such as the port and server numbers have been correctly copied.
  4. Click the Save icon.
  5. Repeat step 5 to 8 for all maestro* users with their own email address.
  6. Click the Quit icon.

In the Security Management option, it is possible to test emails once the User-Specific Email Configuration section is completed by clicking the Send Test Emails button.

Password Entered by the User

  1. From the maestro* main menu, click the Configuration icon displayed on the taskbar.
  2. Select the Preferences option.
  3. In the Preferences window, click the Email tab.
  4. Complete the Management of my Account at the bottom of the window by entering a password in the New Password then repeating it in the Confirmation field.
  5. Click the Save icon.
  6. Click the Quit icon.

Users must NEVER under any circumstance share their password.


Set Parameters Specific to maestro*CLOUD

Parameters specific to maestro*CLOUD are similar to those related to the SMTP communication protocol. The main difference is entering each user’s email address; as the user code of maestro*CLOUD users is their email address, it cannot be entered in the User-Specific Email Configuration section in the Security Management option. After the user code is created, the email address is automatically copied.

The parameters required for maestro*CLOUD emails are the following:

After the SMTP option is selected in the Mail Software dropdown list of the General Settings, make these additional configurations supplémentaires:


maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Processing > General Settings

  1. Once in the General Settings window, open the General Settings tree structure (left side of the window) then click Miscellaneous.
  2. On the right side of the window, complete the generic information in the Configuration of the SMTP email account section.
    1. Enter the server name in the field of the same name.
    2. Input the port number in the Port field.
    3. Check the Use SSL encoding box.
  3. Click the Save icon.
  4. Click the Quit icon.

Password Entered by the User

  1. From the maestro* main menu, click the Configuration icon displayed on the taskbar.
  2. Select the Preferences option.
  3. In the Preferences window, click the Email tab.
  4. Complete the Management of my Account section at the bottom of the window by entering a password in the New Password field, then by repeating it in the Confirmation field.
  5. Click the Save icon.
  6. Click the Quit icon.


Remember that the password entered in the Preferences, for emails, is independant from the password linked to the user’s email address to connect to maestro*.

Users must NEVER under any circumstance share their password.


Set Specific Parameters to Simultaneously Use Two Email Modes (Bi-Mode)

Depending on their work environments, some users may have to use a generic email address or an email address from another email account. It may be the case for companies using a separate email inbox for Accounting, Coordination, etc.

It is possible to assign a default email software for all maestro* users (for instance, selecting Outlook in the General option of the General Settings) then, in Security Management, configure SMTP emails for some users. In this situation, the User-Specific Email Configuration, if configured, will have precedence over those defaulted in the General Settings.


See also


Last modification: February 18, 2025