Using the Outlook Add-In with maestro*


Maestro* and Outlook users will find a tab named maestro* in Outlook. This tab allows the user to transfer emails and/or attachments to a transaction in maestro*. It also allows the user to electronically sign a PDF document linked to an email. These options are useful for the approval of documents and for keeping track of received and sent emails in maestro*.


The add-in program is automatically installed with the installation of the maestro* kit - end-users do not have to do anything specific to install it.



Warning! The add-in program that installs in Outlook only works with maestro* version 3.04. It is now replaced by the Import Outlook Emails, directly in maestro*.

For versions 3.05 and higher, please refer to the Import Outlook Emails document.









Used to

Transfer to maestro*

Transfer an email and/or its attachment to the Document Management of the selected option.

Electronic Signature

Sign a PDF document attached to an email.

The titles of the icons are in the implantation language of maestro*.



Transfer an Email to maestro*


Outlook > maestro* tab

  1. In Outlook, select one or more emails to transfer to maestro*.
  2. Click the maestro* tab.
  3. Click the Transfer to maestro* (or Transfert vers maestro*) icon.
  4. The Transfer to maestro* window opens. Enter the required information:




Allows the selection of a contact from the Contact Management option of maestro*.

Identifies the sender of the email in maestro* in order to keep the Transmittal Log updated.


Allows to indicate whether the email to be forwarded is for an Existing Transaction or to create a New Transaction.


Allows the selection of the option in which the email will be transferred to the Document Management.

For example: If the destination is Project, then select the specific project to which the email will be transferred.

NOTES: For most destinations, the transaction has to exist in maestro* in order to transfer the email to it. However, it is possible to choose Issue Management as the destination and create a new transaction with the email.

If the destination is Supplier Certification, it is possible to enter an expiration date for the attached certification only if the date already exists in the supplier certification of the Supplier Management. The same thing applies to the Customer Certification.

It is now possible to transfer an email to the Lien Management option in the Projects menu of maestro* by selecting the Supplier Lien Management destination.

Category of Documents

Identifies the category of the document.

NOTE: Documents are classified by category in the Document Management of maestro*. Categories can be added and modified form the Define Document Categories option.

  1. Check the boxes according to what needs to be saved into the Document Management of maestro*:
    Either the email, by checking Save Email, and/or the attachments by checking Save Attachments.

By checking Save Email and Save Attachments, the email will be saved as a whole in Document Management. The attachments will be visible by clicking the file in the List of Documents, then the Document section. The email will open in Outlook with its attachments.

If only Save the attachments is checked, each document will be saved individually in Document Management.

For more information on Document Management, consult the help (F1).


Electronically Sign a PDF Document Attached to an Email


Outlook > maestro* tab

  1. In Outlook, select an email that has a PDF document that needs to be signed attached to it.
  2. Click the maestro* tab.
  3. Click the Electronic Signature (or Signature Électronique) icon.
  4. The Electronic Signature window opens. Enter the required information in the Signature Template section:



Template name

Select an existing template or create a new one.

Signatory Name

Choose an existing signatory on the workstation.

NOTE: The signatory could have been created with Adobe Reader or another program. For more information on how to create a signatory with Adobe Reader, consult the appendix.

Reason for signing

Enter the reason of the signature.

Image file

Allows the attachment of an image file.

It can be a logo or a scanned signature, for example.


Location of signature.

Page number

Allows the selection of the page where the signature will appear on the approved documents.

Horizontal position

Horizontal distance between the left edge of the document and the signature, in inches.

Vertical position

Vertical distance between the top edge of the document and the signature, in inches.


Width of the signature, in inches.


Height of the signature, in inches.

  1. Complete the information in the Information to show on the signature section:
    Check the boxes corresponding to the information entered above that has to appear on the signature.
  1. To save the template, click on the blue diskette situated to the right of the Template name.
  2. In the PDF Documents to approve section, the PDF documents attached to the selected email are displayed. Check the ones that need to be signed.
  3. Click on Sign and Reply to sign the document.
  4. A window to reply to the original email opens. Enter the response to the email and send it.

It is not necessary to attach the signed PDF document. It is automatically attached to the email.

It is possible to visualize the signed document and to make sure the signature is on it by double-clicking on the PDF document attached to the email reply.


Create a Personal Certificate

A personal certificate is required to use the Signature button of maestro*'s Outlook add-in. Here is the procedure (or at least one of the ways) to create a signature: 

  1. Launch the Manage Computer Certificates option through the Start menu, or use the certmgr.msc control in the Run (Windows button + R) menu.
  2. Right click on the Personal > Certificates directory, then select the All Tasks > Request New Certificate option.
  3. Follow the suggested steps: 
    1. Before You Begin window: cick on Next.
    2. Select Certificate Enrollment Policy window: click on Next.
    3. Request Certificates window: check Computer, then click on Enroll.
      A progression bar indicates the progress of the process.
    4. Click on Finish.

You will now be able to approve PDF documents you receive by email in Outlook.


Formerly, How-to no. 39

Last modification: March 10, 2025