Frequently Asked Questions - Procore


The goal of this document is to answer the most frequently asked questions about Procore.




Question / Answer

What is the meaning of the different symbols in front of the synchronization lines?

They represent the synchronization status. Here is a detailed explanation of each symbol:

  • Green checkmark: the last synchronization was performed successfully.
  • Red X: an error is stopping the synchronization - check the error message in the Message column.
  • Turning wheel: synchronization in progress - a progress bar is displayed in the Message column.
  • Turning hourglass: synchronization pending. Indeed, there is a limit imposed by Procore for API calls and if this limit is reached, it will take an hour before the software resumes synchronization.
What are the different types of messages that can appear in the Message column of the different synchronization pages? 

Two types of messages can appear in the Mesage column of the synchronization pages:

  • Errors - indentified with a red circle and message, indicating that it is not possib le to perform the synchronization;
  • Warnings - indentified with a yellow triangle, indicating that the synchronization can be performed, but under certain conditions.

Most of the messages are pre and post synchronization messages about the data. For example: 

  • Activities / Non-existent cost codes
  • Groups / Preexisting Cost Codes
  • Non-existent supplier
  • Configuration verification
  • Etc.

As the synchronization between maestro* and Procore is done via the Web, many more messages can be displayed. If the reason for this message has already been listed, a clear message with be shared. Otherwise, a message from the Web will appear and research will have to be made to identify the cause of the message.

Finally, when the error An error occurred while communicating with the maestro server appears, it means that the Maestro Service is down or not operational. The Task Management can be consulted to see if the Maestro Service is down or not.

How long is the synchronization between maestro* and Procore?

In fact, it mainly depends on the volume of data to be synchronized and the performance of the servers.

How many transactions can be processed during the synchronization? 

There isn't really a limit to the number of transactions which can be synchronized. Procore processes all transactions that have yet to be synchronized since the last successful synchronization.

What happens if I check the Ignore last synchronization date box?

The application will perform a full synchronization, thus going back in time, rather than a differential synchronization, which only includes the latest changes.

Can I perform other operations or tasks in maestro* during a data synchronization? 

Yes, without any problems. You can even close the window - the symbols will be updated once it is reopened.

How can I ensure the success and completion of a synchronization? 

A green checkmark before the synchronization line will indicate it was successfully completed.

What is the purpose of the Synchronization Manager option? 

The Synchronization Manager displays the synchronization errors, which allows the Maestro technician to have more details to better understand the nature of an error. It is accessible from the Configuration option (maestro* > Maintenance > Interface Maintenance > Procore > Configuration).

Furthermore, it allows to:

  • display an icon indicating the current action in the synchronization pages;
  • display a progress bar in the Message column;
  • ensure that the synchronization works in the background, even if the window is closed;
  • manage the minit of calls to the Procore application programming interface (API) and resume the process once the timeout period has elapsed;
  • resume an action after an error is encountered (up to a maximum of 10 times);
  • keep a history of synchronization requests;
  • keep a history of actions performed in the programmation for a synchronization;
  • give more details on the prolems encountered.


See Also


Last modification: February 20, 2025