Print Homebuilder Contracts


The Print Homebuilder Contracts function is used to print the original Homebuilder subcontracts and associated change orders by project.






maestro* > Purchasing > Purchasing > Subcontract > Print Homebuilder Contracts


Print subcontracts

  1. Select one or more Projects.


The symbol is used to select more advanced search criteria.

The + symbol is used to drill down further to select projects or project groups individually.

The list of projects is displayed based on the security defined in project access.

  1. Click Accept.
  2. Select the contracts to be printed by checking the Selected column.
  3. Click Select.


The system uses the form configured in Configuration.

If you answer Yes to the question Did printing completesuccessfully?, the subcontract is removed from the Print Homebuilder Contracts option. To print it again, you must use the SubcontractManagement option, select the order from the Display Only Transferred Entries file and select the function to print the form. If you answer No, the order remains available and can be printed again with the Print Homebuilder Contracts option.


Last modification: February 27, 2025