Define Activities


The Define Activities option is used to create activity codes that will only be used for billing in this module (Service Management), while making it possible to include more details about labour on invoices. These activities are also used with the Return from a Service Call and Distribute Hours functions to indicate the labour activity used by the technician.

If activity-based invoicing is not used, a default activity must be created.






maestro* > Service Management > Maintenance > Configuration > Define Activities


Create an activity

  1. Enter the required information:




Code that identifies the service activity.

French Description

French description that identifies the activity.

English Description

English description that identifies the activity.

Available for Call Types

Checkboxes enabling users to indicate whether a call type is available depending on the service activity. Possible choices are:

  • Service
  • Maintenance
  • Installation

NOTE: This setting is only available in maestro* version 3.05.

Invoicing Rate

Fixed invoice amount for the activity.

Tax Code

Applicable sales tax codes.

NOTE: If a formula to use tax codes has been configured in Define Tax Code Usage for a Service Call Invoicing transaction type, the tax codes defined here will not be applied.

NOTE: To determine the source of the tax code and applicable tax rates, refer to help on Reading Tax Codes in maestro*.

Invoicing Account

Income account used to distinguish activity income in the general ledger.

NOTE: If an account is not specified, the system uses the default accounting settings.


Activity billable by default if the box is checked.

Cost Group

Expense group used for this activity in the Return from a Service call or Distribute Hours options.


Allows the user to define if the activity is at the Active or Inactive.

Available in *MOBILE

Check the box to indicate the activities to be available in maestro*MOBILE.

Include Hours in the Cumulative

If this box is checked, the time entered in the activity will be included in the total time calculation. If the box is not checked, the activity will not be included in the call hours cumulative.

Project Activity

Field(s) identifying the project activity to be used when accounting for the service activity’s labour costs, based on the call type.

NOTE: This setting is only available in maestro* version 3.05. In the service calls’ Configuration option, Accounting section, it is possible to indicate if this project activity should be prioritized over the one specified in the (call) contract to account for the labour costs.

  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: December 20, 2024