Define Depreciation Rates


The Define Depreciation Rates function is used to define depreciation rates that will be used to calculate depreciation (for example, linear – 10 years or declining – 15%).




maestro* > Accounting > Financial Management > Depreciation > Define Depreciation Rates


Create a rate

  1. Enter the required information in the Main Fields tab:


The Configuration icon is used to define entry options for the Code field.

Fields followed by the * character are mandatory fields.




Code that identifies the rate.


Description of the rate.


Used to determine the rate calculation method. ClosedAvailable values:

Maximum (%)

Maximums depreciable percentage for the asset.

NOTE: To keep a residual value, enter a number lower than 100.

Rate (%)

Rate at which the asset is depreciated.

NOTE: This field can only be used with the Declining and Hourly methods.


Number of years during which the asset is depreciated.

NOTE: This field can only be used with the Linear method.

  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: March 10, 2025