The Defined Selling Rates for Bonuses option is used to define a selling price for an existing bonus. This price is displayed by default during Invoice Preparation in cost-plus invoicing.


This system displays all available bonuses by default.





  maestro* > Invoicing > Maintenance > Cost Plus > Define Selling Rates for Bonuses


Change the selling price of a bonus

  1. Click the Selling field and enter the new price.
  2. Confirm the Process bonus as column according to your needs



Process the bonus as

Specifies how a bonus should be processed.

Available values:


Default choice for all bonuses.

NOTE: If you select bonus, the system calculates the selling price by multiplying the amount of the bonus by the selling rate specified in step 1.

If taxes are included in the bonus, the system first extracts the taxes from the cost and then recalculates the unit price. The quantity will not be changed.


Specify expense if you want to calculate the selling price of the bonus as if it were an expense entered by a Project Purchase or by Purchase Order Invoicing.

In this case, the system applies the appropriate percentage of profit and administration (based on the expense type) on the cost of the bonus, before taxes.

NOTE: If taxes are included in the bonus, the system first extracts the taxes from the cost and then recalculates the quantity. The unit price will not be changed.


This option is only available with revenue bonus types. This indicates that the bonus should be processed as if it were salary.

NOTE: In this case, the quantity for the bonus is considered a number of hours. This quantity is then multiplied by the selling price that can be defined in Work Category Management or Define Trades option.

  • This is due to the fact that bonuses used to reimburse employee expenses usually have a unit rate of $1.00 and the quantity is usually the amount to be reimbursed.
  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: February 20, 2025