T4 and RL-1 Control Report


The T4 and RL-1 Control Report are used to validate the data from payroll and compare them to the government slips by taxation year according to all of the boxes on the slips.

This report can replace the following miscellaneous reports:

  • 410 – RL-1 report
  • 411 – T4 report
  • 413 – T4A report
  • 414 T4 Report with Reduced rates

If an employee has worked in several provinces, the employee will be included more than once on the report, based on the forms printed by Province.

This report is also available in the Print T4 and RL-1 option depending on user security.



  • Data generation must be run from the Print T4 and RL-1 option to compare payroll data with the government slips.






maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Print T4 and RL-1 > T4 and RL-1 Control Report


Print the T4 and RL-1 Control Report

  1. Confirm the Taxation Year.

By default, the taxation year displays the active year in the operating system, less 1.

The taxation year tells the system the year for which slips should be processed.

To reprint T4 and RL-1 Control Report, you must ensure that the tax year is the year to be processed.

  1. Manually select the forms to be confirmed or click All to confirm all forms.

If you request all forms, forms will be printed as follows: all employees for the first form will be printed followed by a page break before printing all employees for the second form and so on.

  1. Select one or more Provinces. To select all provinces, check All.
  2. Select one or more Employees. To select all employees, check All.
  3. Complete the remaining settings according to your requirements:



Deduction Details

Checking this field tells the system to display the details of bonuses, unions and pension funds.

NOTE: By checking this box, you can validate whether the differences in the report are due to a redefinition of the boxes for a bonus, union or pension fund.

Differences Only

If this field is checked, the report only prints employees with a difference between the payroll data and the data printed on government slips.

  1. Click Accept. The system displays the report in a report viewing screen.


Information on the report

The report is printed by province and by form. A total for all employees on this form is provided at the end of each form, by box.

Report Header

The header contains the taxation year and the maximum amounts applicable to Employment Insurance, QPP and QPIP, for the taxation year.

Report columns

Regardless of which form you select, the columns listed below are displayed.




Box number depending on the form requested.


Description of the box.


Text or box number for such data as comments or additional boxes.

Cumulative - Opening

Amount from the employee's opening cumulative values.

Cumulative – Modification

Amount from the changes made to an employee's cumulative amounts during the taxation year.

Payroll Calculated

Amount from the employee's pay.


Total beginning cumulative values, modifications to cumulative values and calculated payroll values.

NOTE: Depending on the boxes, asterisks may be displayed to the right of the amount to indicate one of the following messages:

* Indicates that the maximum has been reached for this box.

** Indicates that the employee is exempt.

*** Indicates the amount in Box 56 equals the employment income in Box 14 and no amount will be displayed.

Amount on Form

Amount entered on forms.


Difference between the Totalcolumn from the payrolls versus the amount on the form, taking box redefinitions into consideration.

NOTE: When a difference is found, the amount is displayed in a grayed out box.

Redefine Boxes

Shows the formula used when a box has been redefined.

Additional Sections

Sections related to unions, bonuses and pension funds can be included in the report by checking the Deduction Details field in the selection criteria for the report:





Bonus code


Description of the Bonus

Opening Cumulative

Displays the quantity and amount of the bonus entered in the opening cumulative value field.

Payroll calculated

Displays the quantity and amount of the bonus from the employee's pay.


Total of the cumulative starting amount and calculated payroll amount.

Pension Plan




Code and description of the pension plan


Type of pension plan


Amount Type

Example: Employer Amt, Employee Amt

Opening Cumulative

Displays the pension plan amount entered in the beginning cumulative value field.

Payroll Calculated

Amount of the pension plan from the employee's payrolls.


Total of the cumulative opening amount and calculated payroll amount.


Grouped by Union




Number and description of the union deduction


Type of union deduction


Amount Type

Example: Employer Amt, Employee Amt, Tax 1 Amt, Tax 2 Amt, Fed. Income Tax, Prov. Income Tax

Opening Cumulative

Displays the amount of the union deduction entered in the starting cumulative value field.

Payroll Calculated

Amount of the union deduction from the employee's payrolls.


Total of the cumulative opening amount and calculated payroll amount.


Description of boxes on the forms

T4 Form


Description of the Box

Source of information


Province of Employment

Employee's province of employment.


Employment Income

Gross federal earnings

Variable used on the form by default: GRSALFED

NOTE: The gross federal earnings are calculated using the following formula:

Hourly wage + paid vacation + federal taxable benefits + statutory holiday + bonuses for which federal income tax is checked.


CPP Contributions

Canada Pension Plan employee portion.

Variable used on the form by default: EMPCPP

NOTE: CPP contributions are calculated using the following formula:

(Federal salary - basic deduction) * contribution rate.


QPP Contributions

Quebec Pension Plan - employee portion

Variable used on the form by default: EMPQPP

NOTE: QPP contributions are calculated using the following formula:

(Provincial salary - basic deduction) * contribution rate.


Employment Insurance Premiums

Employment Insurance - employee portion

Variable used on the form by default: EMPEI

NOTE: Contributions to employment insurance are calculated using the following formula:

Federal wage * contribution rate.


RPP Contributions

RPA Amount

Variable used on the form by default: RPAAMOUNT

NOTE: Contributions to an RPA are calculated using the following formula:

The pension fund set up in the employee's record (employee portion) + the definition of RPA pension fund (employee portion) + 2-FPE lines (employee portion) from Union Management.


Income tax deducted

Amount of federal income tax deducted.

Variable used on the form by default: FEDTAX


EI Insurable Earnings

Employment Insurance insurable earnings.

Variable used on the form by default: INSURABLEEARNINGS

NOTE: Insurable employment insurance earnings are calculated using the following formula:

Hourly wage + paid vacation + federal taxable benefits + statutory holiday + bonus for which the employment insurance wage is checked.

Displays 0.00 if the employee is exempt. Otherwise, indicates the salary eligible, to the maximum allowed.


Eligible Salary for QPP/CPP

QPP Eligible Amount

Variable used on the form by default: RRQADMIN

NOTE: The pensionable salary is calculated using the following formula:

Hourly wage + paid vacation + federal taxable benefits + statutory holiday + QPP/CPP bonus is checked.

Displays 0.00 if the employee is exempt. Otherwise, indicates the salary eligible, to the maximum allowed.

28 EI

EI Exempt

An X is entered if the Employment Insurance Exempt box is checked in Employee Management (Employees tab).


CCP/QPP Exemption

An X is entered if the RRQ/CPP Exempt box is checked in Employee Management (Employees tab).


QPIP Exemption

An X is entered if the QPIP Exempt box is checked in Employee Management (Employees tab).


Employment Code

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Union dues

Union dues amount.

Variable used on the form by default: UNION+EMPDDOWN+CONTSECTOR

NOTE: Union dues are calculated based on the following formula:

Amount of the deduction (employee portion) from Committee Management + The sector-based contribution (employee portion) FROM Committee Management + the CCQ Union Management amount + 1 - Union lines (employee portion) from Union Management.


Charitable Donations

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.

Usually, a deduction is created in maestro* for charitable donations. A box redefinition must be configured to link the deduction from Define Earning / Deductions in box 46.


RPP or DPSP Registration Number

Pension fund number.

Variable used on the form by default: PFUNDNO


Pension Adjustment

Pension Adjustment

Variable used on the form by default: PENSADJUST

NOTE: The pension adjustment factor is calculated using the following formula:

Pension fund amount from Employee Management + the definition of RPA/DPSP pension fund type from Pension Fund Management + unions, whose line type is 2-RPP (employee and employer portions) from Union Management.


QPIP Contributions

Employee contribution to parental insurance.

Variable used on the form by default: EMPQPIP

NOTE: QPIP contributions are calculated based on the following formula:

QPIP pensionable salary * contribution rate


PPIP Insurable Earnings

Maximum insurable amount for QPIP.

Variable used on the form by default: MAXINSURABLERQAP.

NOTE: PPIP insurable earnings are calculated based on the following formula:

Hourly wage + paid vacation + federal taxable benefits + statutory holiday + bonus for which the QPIP box is checked.

NOTHING is displayed if the employee is exempt or the amount has reached the maximum or matches the amount entered in box 14.

Add. Box A


By default, displays box 34, which represents federal taxable benefits for the use of a vehicle.

Variable used on the form by default: AIFEDAUTO.

Displays the federal amount calculated for the use of a vehicle from Taxable Benefits section of the Income Tax tab from Employee Management.

Add. Box B


By default, displays box 40, which represents the total of the following fields:

  • Other federal taxable benefits
  • Federal taxable benefits for fringe benefits (insurance)
  • Federal taxable benefits for insurance (health portion)
  • Federal taxable benefits for insurance (other portion)
  • Federal RRSP pension funds for the employer portion.


Add. Box C


By default, displays box 85, which represents the group insurance premium deducted from federal income tax.

Variable used by default on the GIDEDFEDTAX form:

Displays the amount from the Group Insurance section (Federal Tax Deduction field) in the Payroll Information tab in Employee Management.

Add. Box D-F

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.

Comments 1 & 2

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.

T4A Form


Description of the Box

Source of information


Social Insurance Number

The employee's social insurance number from Employee Management.


Recipient’s Account Number

Displays the business number specified in the T4A section of the Income Tax tab in Employee Management.


Pension or superannuation

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Lump Sum Payments

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Self-employed commissions

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Income Tax Deducted

Total amount of federal income tax and provincial income tax.

Variable used on the form by default: FEDTAXA+PROVTAX



The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Fees for services

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Payer's Account Number

No value is required on the form.

Additional boxes 01 to 12

Additional Boxes

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.

RL- 1 Form


Description of the Box

Source of information


Employment Income

Provincial gross earnings for the Labour funds pension plan (employer's portion).

Variable used on the form by default: GRSALPROV+LFAMOUNT

NOTE: The employment income is calculated using the following formula:

Hourly wage + paid vacation + provincial taxable benefits + statutory holiday + bonus for which provincial income tax is checked + the employer's portion of the Labour Funds.


QPP Contributions

Quebec Pension Plan - employee portion

Variable used on the form by default: EMPQPP

NOTE: QPP contributions are calculated based on the following formula:

(Provincial salary - basic deduction) * contribution rate.


Employment Insurance Premiums

Employment Insurance - employee portion

Variable used on the form by default: EMPEI

NOTE: Contributions to employment insurance are calculated using the following formula:

Federal wage * contribution rate.


RPP Contributions

RPA Amount

Variable used on the form by default: RPAAMOUNT

NOTE: Contributions to an RPA are calculated using the following formula:

The pension fund set up in the employee's record (employee portion) + the definition of RPA pension fund (employee portion) + 2-FPE lines (employee portion) from Union Management.


Québec Income Tax

Amount of provincial income tax deducted.

Variable used on the form by default: PROVTAX


Union dues

Union dues amount.

Variable used on the form by default: UNION+EMPDDOWN+CONTSECTOR

NOTE: Union dues are calculated based on the following formula:

Amount of the deduction (employee portion) from Committee Management + THE sector-based contribution (employee portion) FROM Committee Management + the CCQ Union Management amount + 1 - Union lines (employee portion) from Union Management.


Eligible Salary for RRQ

QPIP Eligible Amount

Variable used on the form by default: RRQADMIN

NOTE: The pensionable salary is calculated using the following formula:

Hourly wage + paid vacation + federal taxable benefits + statutory holiday + RQQ/CPP bonus is checked.

Displays 0.00 if the employee is exempt. Otherwise, indicates the salary eligible, to the maximum allowed.


QPIP Contributions

Employee contribution to parental insurance.

Variable used on the form by default: EMPQPIP

NOTE: QPIP contributions are calculated based on the following formula:

QPIP pensionable salary * contribution rate


Eligible Salary for QPIP

Maximum insurable amount for QPIP.

Variable used on the form by default: MAXINSURABLERQAP.

NOTE: PPIP insurable earnings are calculated based on the following formula:

Hourly wage + paid vacation + federal taxable benefits + statutory holiday + bonus for which the QPIP box is checked.

Displays 0.00 if the employee is exempt. Otherwise, indicates the salary eligible, to the maximum allowed.


Private Health Services Plan

Provincial taxable benefits for provincial insurance (health portion)

Variable used on the form by default: AIPROHEALTHIN

Displays the amount from the Group Insurance section (Provincial Tax Deduction field) in the Payroll Information tab in Employee Management.



Provincial taxable benefits for travel expenses.

Variable used on the form by default: AIPROTRAVEL

Displays the amount relating to travel expenses from the Taxable Benefits section of the Income Tax tab in Employee Management.


Other benefits

Other benefits including the totals from the following fields:

  • Other provincial taxable benefits
  • Other provincial taxable benefits - action
  • Other provincial taxable benefits - Loan
  • Provincial taxable benefits - other insurance portion
  • Provincial RRSP pension fund - Employer portion
  • Provincial FT pension fund - Employer portion


Displays the amount related to other benefits from the Taxable Benefits section of the Income Tax tab in Employee Management and now includes the employer portion for the Labour Funds.



Earnings from commissions.

Variable used on the form by default: SALARYCOMM

NOTE: Commission amounts are calculated based on commission earnings.


Charitable Donations

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.

Usually, a bonus is created in maestro* for charitable donations. A box redefinition must be configured to link the bonus from Define Earning / Deduction Codes in box N.


Other Income

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Multi-employer Insurance Plan

Provincial taxable benefits for taxable insurance benefits.

Variable used on the form by default: AIPROSOCBEN

From employee management in the income tax tab, Other provincial taxable benefit field.


Deferred Wages

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Income situated on a reserve

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Tips Received

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Tips Allocated

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Phased Retirement

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


Meals and accommodation

Provincial taxable benefits for food and accommodation.

Variable used on the form by default: AIPROHOUSING

Displays the amount relating to accommodations/boarding/meals from the Taxable Benefits section of the Income Tax tab in Employee Management.


Motor vehicle

Provincial taxable benefits for the use of a vehicle.

Variable used on the form by default: AIPROAUTO

Displays the provincial amount calculated for the use of a vehicle from Taxable Benefits section of the Income Tax tab from Employee Management.

Code (Box 0)

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.

Comment 1


By default, displays box 235, which represents the group insurance premium deducted from provincial income tax.

Default formula: GIDEDPROTAX

Displays the amount from the Group Insurance section (Provincial Tax Deduction field) in the Payroll Information tab in Employee Management.

Comment 2


By default, displays the employer portion of the Labour Funds.

Default formula: LFAMOUNT

Comments 3 to 4

The boxes must be redefined, if applicable.


See also


Last modification: February 20, 2025