Mailing Configuration


The Mailing Configuration option is used to configure a subject and a message for each form, report or other listed in the grid that will be used for mass mailings. This option is also used to set up the backup for forms and reports in Document Management.

Variables provided by maestro* can be used to customize the subjects and messages sent to recipients.

The mass mailing function can be accessed by clicking on the Send to all recipients icon in the different options of maestro*.




maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Processing > Mailing Configuration


Configure a transmission

It is possible to configure a message in French and in English. The message sent will be in the Correspondence Language defined in Contact Management for the recipient.

  1. Enter the required information:




Forms for which mass mailing or document saving is possible.


Reports for which mass mailing or document saving is possible.


Contains the Supplier Certification option which allows the user to configure a reminder for the suppliers when their certification is about to expire.

NOTES: This option works with the Verification of Certifications option from the Purchasing menu.

The supplier must have been created in the Contact Management option with a valid email address in order to send them a message.

Mailing Subjects

Reason for the message.

NOTE: Enter variables by clicking on the icon to access the subject configuration option to merge the subject of the message with maestro* data.

Mailing messages

Message displayed in the email for the recipient.

NOTES: Enter text and variables by clicking on the icon. This option allows the access to the message configuration option to merge message information with maestro* data.

You can format the message text by clicking on the tools (font, size, attribute, alignment, numbering, etc.).


Determines to whom maestro* should send a copy of the form.

NOTE: This function only applies to work orders. For the other options, recipients are chosen when sending the message.

Available values:

Person in charge

Sends a copy to the person identified in the work order.

Project Manager

Sends a copy of the work order to the project manager identified in the project.

Save in Document Management

Tells maestro* whether or not the form should be saved in Document Management. Available values:


Maestro* does not save a copy.

When sending

Saves a copy on sending only.

When generating form

Saves a copy when the form is generated.

Document Category

Specifies the category under which the document will be classified in Document Management.

NOTES: The category will only be used if the form is saved in Document Management.

The document categories available respect the access restriction of the Documents section in Security Management.

Use signature in e-mail

Indicates whether a signature should be added to the e-mail sent when printing forms, if the user uses the Send to all recipients option.

NOTE: To use a signature, refer to help on Setting up an e-mail signature.

Available values:


By default, no signature will be added to the e-mail message.

NOTE: In the Send to all recipients option, the user can add a signature to the Message tab at any time.

Use the user preferences

Allows the user to choose whether or not a signature is added to the e-mail message based on the user's Preferences.

Use Encryption

Check the box to indicate that this type of mailing requires encryption.

NOTE: The email will be protected by a password. To visualize its content, the recipient will need to enter the Document Password defined for them in the Other Information tab of the Contact Management option.

Email account for sending

If an alternate email address is present in this column, the system will use this email account to send the emails. If left blank, the system will use the default email account for the current user.


If this box is checked, the system will use the information defined in the General Settings, Miscellaneous tab, Configuration of the SMTP email account section.

  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: February 20, 2025