Dispatch Dashboard – Dispatch (W/O)


The Dispatch Dashboard allows the user to resolve assignment conflicts and to consult the sent assignments for the date selected.







Used to


Apply the changes made to the conflicts.


Refresh the screen in order to display latest conflicts.




maestro* > Projects > Work Orders > Dispatch > Work Order Dispatch > Dispatch Dashboard icon


Modify the dispatch dashboard

  1. In the Dispatch Dashboard window, complete the information in the Conflict Resolution section.

The Conflict Resolution section is displayed only if the checkbox “Bi-directional validation for Outlook assignments is checked in the Dispatch Grid tab in the Dispatch Template Management.





Select the action from the following choices:

  • Later
  • Apply the Change
  • Reject the Change
  • Ignore the Change

NOTE: The dispatcher can choose to resolve the conflict later (remains visible in the list), apply the change immediately (change applied to the dispatch and is no longer visible in the list), refuse the proposed change (no changes applied to the dispatch and remains visible in the list), or ignore the change (no changes applied to the dispatch and deletes it from the list).


Maestro* displays the date and time at which the action was performed.

Action Type

Maestro* displays the action type executed by the intervener.

NOTE: The possible action types are “modification” when the intervener modified the date or time proposed; “suppression” when the intervener deleted the mailing.


Maestro* displays the assigned resource.

Dispatch Type

Maestro* displays the dispatch type, either project, service call, quotation or work order.


Maestro* displays the dispatch number, either the number of the project, the work order, the quotation or service call.

Date (Before-After)

Maestro* displays the date of the assignment and the date modified, if applicable.

NOTES: Before indicates the original date of the assignment and After indicates the date modified by the intervener.

The fields highlighted in red indicate changes made and the fields highlighted in yellow indicate a problem with the proposed change.

Start Time (Before-After)

Maestro* displays the start time of the assignment and the modified start time, if applicable.

NOTES: Before indicates the original start time of the assignment and After indicates the start time modified by the intervener.

The fields highlighted in red indicate changes made and the fields highlighted in yellow indicate a problem with the proposed change.

End Time (Before-After)

Maestro* displays the end time of the assignment and the modified end time, if applicable.

NOTES: Before indicates the original end time of the assignment and After indicates the end time modified by the intervener.

The fields highlighted in red indicate changes made and the fields highlighted in yellow indicate a problem with the proposed change.

Status (Before-After)

Maestro* displays the status of the assignment.

NOTES: Before indicates the original status of the assignment and After indicates the status modified by the intervener.

The fields highlighted in red indicate changes made and the fields highlighted in yellow indicate a problem with the proposed change.


Maestro* displays the comments – originating from the dispatch.


Maestro* displays the source of the dispatch.

The section below allows the user to filter the sent assignment Information.

  1. Modify the section as needed:




Select the date.


Enter the intervener code. (employee, contact)


Check the box to display the information in the grid.


Check the box to display the warnings in the grid.

Outgoing email

Check the box to display the information originating from the outgoing emails.

Incoming email

Check the box to display the information originating from the incoming emails.

Outgoing text messages

Check the box to display the information originating from the outgoing text messages.

Incoming text messages

Check the box to display the information originating from the incoming text messages.

Outlook Assignments

Check the box to display the Outlook assignments.


Check the box to display information originating from maestro*mobile.

  1. The Information section displays:




Maestro* displays the date and time of the assignment.


Maestro* displays the icon that represents the type of information.


Maestro* displays the assignment source, either dispatch or mobile.


Maestro* displays the email address of the employee who sent the assignment.


Maestro* displays the email address of the employee who received the assignment.

Intervener Code

Maestro* displays the intervener code.


Maestro* displays the intervener description.


Maestro* displays the assignment information or the action taken.


Maestro* displays the code for the dispatch.

Dispatch Counter

Maestro* displays the dispatch counter.

  1. Click on Apply or Refresh.
  2. Click on Quit.


Last modification: February 20, 2025