Define project templates


The Define Project Templates function is used to create templates of activities and phases for various regularly managed types of projects.

Creating a project template makes it easier to create future projects because the list of activities and phases has already been defined.





ClosedDefine Project Templates Icons

3.05 Icon Title Used to

Synchronize projects linked to templates

Synchronize the template’s modifications with the project using this template.

Import GL accounts

Import general ledger accounts.


Open GL Accounts Management

Open the Chart of Accounts option.

Only icons specific to this window are defined in the table above. 






maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Define Project Templates


Create a Project Template

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedDescription tab:




Automatic numbering when the template is saved.


Description of the template.

  1. ClosedParameters section:
  1. Accounts section: This section is used to enter a default general ledger account for each of the expense types (Material, Subcontractors, Miscellaneous, Labour and Equipment), A/R revenue (Revenues), that affect all activities, and for A/R, that affect the project.
  2. ClosedActivities section: This section displays all activities and phases created for the template, as well as general ledger accounts to be charged for each activity or phase, according to the various expense groups.

If default accounts have been specified, it is unnecessary to enter general ledger accounts for each activity. However, you can use a different account for a given activity according to the expense or revenue groups. Consequently, the system first uses the general ledger account specified in the activity if nothing is specified in the project. Otherwise, it uses the account specified in Configuration.





Code for activities, phases, sections or divisions.

NOTES:The sort is alphanumeric, which means that activity numbering is displayed in the following manner: 1, 10 and 100. To ensure the system displays the activities in the correct order, they must be numbered as follows: 00001, 00010, 00100, etc.

We recommend taking the time to properly code activities before entering them in the system because if mistakes are made in the code, they cannot be modified afterwards if values are already linked to activities.

We also recommend leaving the numbers between activities blank to make it easier to insert new activities if necessary.


Description of the activity or phase.


Type of activity, which can include a Division, Section, Activity or Phase.


Prevents the entry of transactions for this activity, if the box is checked.


W/C - CSST activity.

NOTE: The available list is from the Define W/C - CSST function.

PBB Activity

PBB (Project Base Burden) Activity.

NOTE: The available list is from the Define PBB Activities function.

Overtime calc.

Identifies the basis on which the calculation of overtime is required.

NOTES: The available list is from the Define Overtime Calculation Parameters option.

This field is only available if the Automatic Calculation of Overtime option is installed.

Follow-Up Type

ClosedAvailable choices:


Reference field used to make a link with an external software (such as SAP).


When checked, this box indicates the activity is billable.

NOTE: this column only appears if contruction management billing is used. The boxes aren't checked by default.

Available in Mobility

Allows user to indicate whether the activity should be visible in the application maestro*MOBILE.

The user must identify in which context the activity will be used (Labour, Equipment, Material).

In maestro*MOBILE, the choice of activity will be in relation to the type selected.

  1. Groups tab: This function is used to limit access to expense and revenue groups for all activities, if the box is checked.
  2. Click Save.

You can synchronize the changes made to templates in existing projects by clicking on the Synchronize projects linked to the project template icon. For additional information, refer to the section on this topic.


Import General Ledger Accounts

  1. Click on the Import GL Accounts icon. A list of all general ledgers is displayed.
  2. Select one or many accounts. To make a multiple selection, hold down the Ctrl key.
  3. Click on Select. Selected accounts are displayed in the Activities section of the project template.
  4. Click on Save.


Synchronize projects linked to template

Click the icon to synchronize activities and groups. The user can choose the desired level of synchronization.

To synchronize a template with the projects:

  1. Select a template on the screen.
  2. Click the Synchronize projects linked to templates icon.
  3. Select the synchronizations to be performed. Projects that are linked to the project template are synchronized in three steps:
    1. ClosedSynchronizing Project Values

    This synchronization is performed automatically when you click the Synchronize projects linked to templates icon. No selection is required.



    The values in the following project fields are automatically replaced by those in the template, if there is a value in the template:


    Modified tab


    Project Description Tab

    • Description section
      • Overtime Calculation field
    • G/L Accounts section
      • Material
      • Subcontractors
      • Miscellaneous
      • Labour
      • Equipment
      • Accounts Receivable

    Groups Tab

    Restrict access to certain groups checkbox.



    If no value is entered for these fields in the template, the system keeps the values entered in the project.

    1. ClosedSynchronizing Activities

    If the activity is present in the project, the system replaces some of the information with information specified in the template. Below is the list of fields affected:

    Activity and Budget tab:

    • Description of the activity
    • Activity Type
    • Revenue Account (Accounts section)

    The revenue account for the activity is replaced by:

    • The revenue account specified in the breakdown grid, if it exists.
    • If not, the revenue account specified in the Accounts section, if it exists.

    If the revenue account is not specified in the template, the value entered in each of the project activities is kept.

    • Expense Account (Accounts section)

    Unlike the revenue account, we always replace the expense accounts for an activity by those identified in the project template, even if there is no value in the template. In this case, the expense account in the activity is deleted and any changes made to the activity manually will be lost.

    The following elements are only updated if there is a value in the Template. If no value is specified in the project template and there is a value in the project, the latter is kept.

    • W/C - CSST Activity
    • PBB Activity
    • Code for Calculating Overtime
    • Follow-Up Type
    • Inactive

    If the activity is a division or section, the system makes the activity Inactive by putting a check mark in the Inactive column for all expense accounts, as well as for the income account. For the other types of activities, the value in the Inactive column is replaced by the value specified in the template.

    1. ClosedSynchronizing Groups

    The system replaces the values (checkbox indicating whether the group is accessible or not) entered in the tab for accessing project groups by the values entered in the template.


See also


Last modification: February 27, 2025