Displays the drawing's counter number.
NOTE: For informational purposes only; cannot be modified.
This number is automatically generated by maestro* when a new drawing is entered.
Drawing Number
Allows entering the drawing number.
NOTE: This field is mandatory.
Allows indicating the drawing status.
The available statuses are: 1 - To do, 2 - Returned, 3 - Annotated, 4 - Completed, 5 - Refused, 6 - For Info, 7 - Submitted, 8 - Client Approved, 9 - Approved, A - Sent to Supplier, and B - Finished.
Allows entering the shop drawing title.
Allows entering the shop drawing description.
Allows selecting a shop drawing category.
NOTE: The available categories are those previously created in the Shop Drawing Category Management option.
Project No.
Allows selecting a project number.
NOTE: This field is mandatory.
Project Description
Displays the project description.
NOTE: For informational purposes only; cannot be modified.
Contact No.
Allows selecting the shop drawing's main contact.
Contact Name
Displays the contact name.
Plan Number
Allows entering the plan number.
Allows entering the shop drawing section.
Allows entering the shop drawing item.
Revision Number
Allows indicating the shop drawing version - whether it's version 1 or 1.5, for example.
NOTE: This field is not automatic and information must be entered manually.
As Quote
If checked, allows indicating that the shop drawing is in compliance with the quote.
Required Date
Allows indicating the date on which the shop drawing is required.
Submitted Date
Allows indicating the date on which the shop drawing was submitted.
Resubmitted Date
Allows indicating the date on which the shop drawing was resubmitted.
Release Date
Allows indicating the date on which the shop drawing was accepted.
Delivery Date
Allows indicating the shop drawing's delivery date.
Delivery Time
Allows indicating the shop drawing's delivery time.
Supplier Code
Allows selecting the supplier linked to the shop drawing.
Supplier Name
Displays the name of the supplier linked to the shop drawing.
Supplier Contact
Allows selecting the supplier contact. This contact has to be linked to the selected supplier.
Supplier Contact Name
Displays the name of the supplier contact.
Manufacturer Code
Allows seleting the manufacturer linked to the shop drawing.
Manufacturer Name
Displays the name of the manufacturer linked to the shop drawing.
Catalogue Item
Allows selecting a catalogue item to associate with the shop drawing.
NOTES: All items can be selected, except inactive items.
A Document category to be imported from catalogue items can be specified from the Options icon: if there are documents attached to this catalogue item and these documents are linked to the document category specified in this configuration, these documents will be imported automatically when saving shop drawings and will then be accessible by clicking in the Documents column on the right of the Catalogue Item column.
Allows opening the Document Management window, and thus enter all shop drawing documents and/or images.
NOTE: For more information concerning the Document Management option, please refer to the How To - Document Management.
Created by
Displays the number of the user who entered the shop drawing in maestro*.
NOTE: This information is automatically generated by maestro* when the shop drawing is entered.
Creator Name
Displays the name linked to the employee code who created the shop drawing.
Modified by
Displays the number of the last user who modified the shop drawing.
NOTE: This information is automatically generated by maestro* when the shop drawing is modified.
Modifier Name
Displays the name linked to the employee code who made a modification to the shop drawing.
Last Modification Date
Displays the date and time of the last modifcation made to the shop drawing.
NOTE: This information is automatically generated by maestro* when the shop drawing is modified.
Resource Link
Displays the project resource number to which the shop drawing is linked.
NOTES: This field is for informational purposes only and cannot be modified in the Shop Drawing Management option.
To link a shop drawing to project resources, enter the drawing's counter number in the Shop Drawing Counter column of the Define Resources by Project option.
For more information concerning this option, please refer to the Define Resources by Project document.
Requisition Link
Displays the requisition number to which the shop drawing is linked.
NOTES: This field is for informational purposes only and cannot be modified in the Shop Drawing Management option.
To link a shop drawing to a requisition, enter the drawing's counter number in the Shop Drawing Counter column of the Enter a Requisition option.
For more information concerning this option, please refer to the Enter a Requisition document.
Order Link
Displays the catalogue order number to which the shop drawing is linked.
NOTES: This field is for informational purposes only and cannot be modified in the Shop Drawing Management option.
To link a shop drawing to a catalogue order, enter the drawing's counter number in the Shop Drawing Counter column of the Stock Order from Catalogue option.
For more information concerning this option, please refer to the Stock Order from Catalogue document.
Allows entering a note linked to the shop drawing.