Catalogue Items


The Catalogue Items function defines items that will be used for sales and purchases.


Catalogue items are very important elements of the system. They can be used with Stock Order from Catalogue, sales, work orders, customer orders, point-of-sale, requisitions, project resources, quotations, concrete and quarry tickets, and service calls.

Based on how they are used, catalogue items can be managed in inventory if desired and item definition depends on this.






maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Catalogue > Catalogue Items


Create an item

  1. Enter the required information:


Fields followed by the * character are mandatory fields.





Code that identifies the catalogue item.

French desc.

French description that identifies the item.

NOTE: You can enter three lines of details. This description is displayed in searches and is included on printed reports.

English desc.

English description that identifies the item.

NOTE: You can enter three lines of details. This description is displayed in searches and is included on printed reports.

  1. Enter the required information in the Item Description tab:
    1. Identification section:




    Identifies the type to which the item belongs.

    NOTE: This field is used to select a type using the Define Item Types option.

    NOTE: You can produce reports by item type or update the various prices (unit price, fixed cost, selling price) using the Cost Adjustment option.


      • Inactive
      • General
      • Sale
      • Inventory
      • Non-Inventory Purchase
      • General no Validation
      • Assembled Product
      • Kit

    Status of the item in the system.

    NOTE: The status restricts choices in certain options.

    Inactive item is no longer used.

    NOTE: An item with this status is not displayed in item choices in system options.

    Item available for purchase and sale.

    NOTE: This status makes it possible to use the product listing for this item for a Stock Order from Catalogue.

    Item used only in sales. It can be selected when entering a purchase order, for example.

    Item used only for purchasing or internally, on job sites or for manufacturing. It cannot be selected when entering a sale.

    Created to monitor items that are not kept in stock.

    NOTE: This could include stationary, for example. This item must be linked to a project when entering an order, but cannot be used for sale.

    Item available for purchase and sale, but quantities are not validated even if the user has specified that quantities should be validated in Inventory Configuration.

    Item composed of other products in the catalogue.

    NOTE: This status makes it possible to use the product listing for this item for a Requisition.

    Item composed of other products in the catalogue.

    NOTE: This status makes it possible to use the product listing for this item in sales transactions (Customer Order, Sale, etc.).

    Item type

    Used to determine the type of expense to which this item belongs.

    The choices are: Labour, Material, Equipment, Various and Sub-C (sub-contractors).

    NOTE: This type is primarily used for Invoice Preparation (W/O.


    Used with the Labour item type and is printed on sales invoices.

    The choices are: A, B, C and D.

    NOTE: In summary mode, the system prints a subtotal by item type and by subtype if a Labour item type is involved.

    Creation Date

    Date on which the item was created in the system.

    NOTE: This date can be changed, if necessary.

    1. Accounting section:


    This section identifies default values for the Stock Order from Catalogue and Sales Invoicing options.




    Order Activity

    Default activity used when entering a Stock Order from Catalogue.

    NOTE: This activity is used when creating the sales cost entry generated by converting a sale into an expense.

    Cost Group

    Default expense group for the item.

    Billing Activity

    Default activity used when entering a sale.

    Revenue Account

    Default revenue account for this item for invoicing purposes.

    Revenue Group

    Default revenue group for this item for invoicing purposes.

    Sales Tax Codes

    Tax codes for the item for purchasing and sales purposes.

    NOTE: We recommend entering tax codes for specific tax situations. The latter have precedence over those in Supplier Management (purchasing) and Customer Management (sales).

    Asset Account

    Inventory account if different from the one defined in Configuration.

    NOTE: For example, you can have an inventory account for raw materials and another for components.

    1. Unit section:



    Inventory Unit*

    Unit used when the item is in stock.

    NOTE : Abbreviation of the item referring to the format used to measure the quantity. For example, m2, ft, etc.

    Customer Unit*

    Unit used when the item is sold to a customer.

    NOTE : Abbreviation of the item referring to the format used to measure the quantity. For example, m2, ft, etc.


    Value used to calculate quantity and unit price conversions if the item is purchased in a format different from the inventory format.

    NOTES: For example, the purchase of a box of filters (box of 20) from a supplier. The filters are kept in units in inventory and on the project. The inventory and project factor is 1 because the filters are managed by unit, but the supplier factor must be the result of 1 divided by 20 or 0.05.

    If a default size is entered, the factor is the result of multiplying the sizes.


    Precision displayed when using decimals for quantities.

    NOTE: If no precision is specified, the system displays 0 as the default value. For two decimals, specify 0.01, and for three decimals, specify 0.001.

    1. Purchases and Sales section:



    Fixed Cost Price

    Fixed cost of the item.

    NOTE: In accordance with Configuration, this field can be used to select the unit price (UP) for inventory transactions and requisitions.

    Quotation Price

    Default quotation price.

    NOTE: In accordance with Configuration, this field can be used as the unit price (UP) for sales transactions.

    NOTE: This field can be used to calculate the selling price using a discount table.

    Selling Price

    Default selling price.

    NOTE: When you use Invoice Preparation (W/O), the selling price is calculated based on the cost if -1 or -2 is entered as the value in this field.

    Meaning of the codes:

    > or = 0: uses the unit selling price.

    -1: uses the unit price and applies the administrate rate specified for the item type in Manage Invoicing Projects. For example: Rate = 5% Unit price = $10 or U.P. Sale = $10 x (1.05).

    -2: uses the unit price and applies the administration rate specified for the item type and the profit rate for the material in Manage Invoicing Projects for a given project. The rates vary depending on the project. For example: Adm Rate = 5%, Profit Rate = 10%, therefore, unit price = $10 U.P. Sale = ($10 x (1.05)) x 1.1.

    -5: applies a discount to the cost in the same way as -1. However, this markup is displayed on a different line in Invoice Preparation (W/O) for all invoicing methods, but for Detailed and Summary display types only. The word Markup is displayed on the line.

    -6: lets you use the cost price entered in the return from a service call if there is no cost price in the catalogue. This only applies to Service Calls if the Use the table of prices and discounts by customer (material) option is checked in Management of invoicing rate tables.

    NOTE: This function would be used in the case of a generic item that has no cost price or selling price in Catalogue Management.

    1. Inventory Status section:




    Quantity and value of items ordered.

    NOTE: A purchase order has been entered for this item and this order has been transferred.

    Not Invoiced

    Quantity and value of items received, but not invoiced.

    NOTE: The invoice from the supplier for the purchase order has not been entered.

    To Deliver

    Quantity and value of items to be delivered to customers.

    NOTE: A sales order has been entered for this item and this order has been transferred.

    To Invoice

    Quantity and value of items delivered, but to be invoiced to customers.


    Quantity and value in stock.

    1. Ticketing section:


    This section is used with the Tickets module.




    Hourly Table

    Code from the Transport Rates table which is used to invoice transportation.

    Ton-km Table

    Used to identify the rate code from Transport Rates.

    Internal Revenue Activity

    Revenue activity used for raw materials.

    NOTE: When entering internally invoiced A/P tickets, the system uses the internal revenue activity in the following order: the internal revenue activity from Catalogue Management, the external revenue activity from Catalogue Management, or Configuration for quarry tickets.

    External Revenue Activity

    External revenue activity used for raw materials.

    NOTE: This field can be modified according to the invoicing activity in the Item Description tab in Catalogue Management.

    Transport Revenue Activity

    Revenue activity used for the transportation of quarry tickets.

    NOTE: When invoicing for the transportation of quarry tickets, the system uses the transport revenue activity in the following order: the transport revenue activity from Catalogue Management or the external revenue activity from the catalogue.

    Transport Cost Activity

    This field identifies the transport cost activity that will be used to enter tickets (A/P) from project management.

  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: February 27, 2025