Define Hourly Rates


The Define Hourly Rates option is used to configure the hourly rates needed to prepare the payroll by employee, trade, union, sector, region, shift, annex and the number of years or level.


You can download the changes to CCQ hourly rates by clicking the Update Hourly Rates icon. For the procedure, refer to the Appendix.





ClosedIcons of the Define Hourly Rates option:



  1. Enter the required information in the Default Filters / Values tab:


This section can be used in two different ways. It can be used as a filter to display only transactions that have already been entered by clicking the Filter data according to the settings entered icon, or as a default value to facilitate data entry in the Hourly Rates Detail section.

You can import multiple rates from an Excel file by clicking the Import rates from Excel icon.





Employee for whom the hourly rate applies.

NOTE: Employees must first be created in Employee Management.


Sector for which the hourly rate is entered or applicable.

The choices are: All, 0 - Not Applicable, 1 - Civil Engineering and Road Networks, 2 - Industrial, 3 - Institutional and Commercial, 4 - Residential and 5 Heavy Residential.

NOTE: The ALL value lets you display transactions for all sectors. You cannot create new transactions for ALL sectors.

Trade Code

Trade code to be displayed or to be applied to newly created transactions.

CCQ Trade Code

Displays the value entered in the CCQ Trade Code field of the Define Trade option if the Use to update social benefits box is checked.

Years or Level

Years or Level to be displayed or applied to newly created transactions.


Annex to be displayed or applied to newly created transactions.


Region to be displayed or applied to newly created transactions.

Union Code

Union code to be displayed or applied to newly created transactions.

  1. Enter the required information in the Hourly Rates Detail tab:


If the filter mode is used in the Default Filters / Values section, the grid only displays the transactions found. If there are new transactions, the default values entered are displayed in the grid so that the user can complete the missing information.

You can determine the number of lines required in the breakdown grid by clicking the Configuration icon.

You must enter at least one Employee or Trade Code (or both) on each line.

Fields followed by the * character are mandatory fields.





Description of the hourly rate. The description can be entered in both languages.

Description on Stub

Description to be displayed on the stub in the employee's language.


Employee for whom the hourly rate applies.

Employee's name

Name of the employee selected in the Employee column.


Sector for which the hourly rate applies.

The choices are: 0 - Not Applicable, 1 - Civil Engineering and Road Networks, 2 - Industrial, 3 - Institutional and Commercial, 4 - Residential and 5 Heavy Residential.

Trade Code

Trade code for which the hourly rate applies.

NOTE: If the field is empty or with the value 0, this tells maestro* that the rate must be applied for all trade code.

NOTE: This code is from the Define Trades option.

Years or Level

Years or Level for which the hourly rate applies.

NOTE: If the field is empty or with the value 0, this tells maestro* that the rate must be applied for all years or level.

NOTE: This code is from the Define Years or Level option.


Annex for which the hourly rate applies.

Note: This code is from the Define Annex option.


Region for which the hourly rate applies.

NOTE: This code is from the Define Regions option.

Union Code

Union code for which the hourly rate applies.

NOTE: This code is from the Union Management option.


Shift for which the hourly rate applies.

Hourly Rate*

Hourly rate to be applied.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click the Print icon to access the list generator and print the entries, if necessary.


See also



Order in which hourly rates are read

Many reads are performed to find the hourly rate. They are conducted in the following order, by removing certain settings each time. The search ends as soon as a rate is found.


Empl. No..







Years or Level


x x x x x x x x


x x x x x x x


x x x x x x


x x x x x


x x x x x


x x x x


x x x


x x


x x x x x x x


x x x x x x


x x x x x


x x x x


x x x x


x x x


x x




x x x x x x x


x x x x x x


x x x x x


x x x x


x x x x


x x x


x x




Procedure for Downloading the Updates to Hourly Rates From the CCQ

The Update hourly rates icon allows you to compare the hourly rate entered in maestro* with the rates available on the CCQ site. You can then download the new rates and automatically update them in maestro*.

To use this function, you must ensure that the information entered in Define Hourly Rates (sector, trade code, apprenticeship year and annex) correspond to the information on the CCQ site.


This function does not create new data in maestro*. It only updates the existing rates.

Use of the annex is not mandatory in maestro*, but all rates published by the CCQ are linked to a specific annex. If the annex is not mentioned in your data, the import program uses the annex that corresponds with the general conditions applicable in each sector to determine the applicable rates.



If a payroll is being prepared, you must complete the payroll procedure before you update the hourly rates.

  1. Click the Update Hourly Rates icon.


A table is displayed with information from the Define Hourly Rates option in maestro*.

  1. Select the date for which hourly rates should be imported.


This date is used as a filter and the system displays the rates in effect on this date on the CCQ site. For maestro*, as soon as the hourly rates are updated, the new rates apply immediately. It is therefore impossible to import rates for future use.

  1. Check or clear the Transmit column if applicable.


Only checked hourly rates will be confirmed with the CCQ's web site.

  1. Click the Transmit icon.


An Internet connection is required to check the information with the CCQ.



A summary message is displayed indicating the number of files successfully transmitted and the number of files with errors. Click OK to close the dialog box.

  1. Confirm the CCQ section of the table and clear the Update column to reject the updating of an hourly rate if necessary.


If the system finds a concordance between maestro* and the CCQ site, the system displays the values found on the CCQ site with the new hourly rate. The Return Code column indicates whether the concordance was successful or not and displays a message if there is an error. The Update column is automatically checked if the return code is successful.

  1. Click Apply to accept the update of hourly rates.


A confirmation message is displayed on the screen. If you answer Yes, the update of hourly rates is applied immediately and this cannot be undone.

  1. Click Quit to leave the update of hourly rates screen.


If transactions have already been entered and they must be corrected to reflect the newly imported hourly rates, you must reopen and save these transactions. The system will detect that the hourly rates have been changed and will offer to update the new rates in the transactions. This function is only available for transactions that have not been transferred.


Last modification: February 20, 2025