Define Unions CCQ


The Define Unions CCQ function is used to define settings used to calculate CCQ union dues.




maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Payroll > Define Unions CCQ


Create a CCQ union

  1. Enter the required information in the Main Fields tab:

The Configuration icon is used to define entry options for the Number field.





Number for the union created.


Abbreviation to identify the union. This code is printed on the CCQ report.

NOTE: For a list of the various union codes, refer to the Web site, in the Collective agreements section, under Salary rates.


Enter a description for the union.

Maximum Hours

Maximum number of hours if the union requests the calculation of contributions based on a maximum number of hours so the system can perform different calculations.

NOTE: If the field is empty, the system does not use a maximum.

Number of Week(s)

Number of first weeks for the monthly deduction of contributions (usually 1). Some unions require a deduction for the first two weeks. In this case, enter 2.

  1. Section A:



Regular Week

Regular week during the month, excluding the first week.

First Week(s)

First week of the month or first week of the month during which the employee worked.


Week for a single deduction (for example, membership fees).


It should be noted that the system only performs calculations on the column that represents the week indicated.




A x Hourly Rate

Factor for multiplying the hourly rate in decimal form.

NOTE: For example: 0.50 = 50% of the employee's hourly rate, 1.5 = time-and-a-half of the employee's hourly rate.

B x Number of hours

Rate multiplied by the number of hours worked by the employee.

B x ST

Rate multiplied by the number of hours worked by the employee at his regular rate.

x OT

Rate multiplied by the number of hours worked by the employee at time-and-a-half.

x DT

Rate multiplied by the number of hours worked by the employee at double time.

x HR

Percentage of the hourly rate to be applied to the three different rates.


Set amount to be deducted.

  1. Section B:



E x Gross Salary

Percentage of the gross earnings.

NOTE: The format for the percentage must be displayed as follows: 0.5 for 50%.

F x Number of Hours

Amount multiplied by the number of hours worked by the employee. Same as for line B, but the system uses the maximum specified below.

G x Hourly Rate x Number of Hours

Percentage multiplied by the hourly rate and multiplied by the number of hours.

Maximum of

Maximum amount to be deducted for items F and G.

Minimum applies to

Used to determine whether the minimum applies to section A or B or to both.

Weekly minimum of

Minimum deduction amount.

Maximum apply to

Used to determine whether the maximum applies to section A or B or to both.

Weekly Maximum

Maximum deduction amount.

Fixed Monthly Maximum

Used to determine the monthly maximum of the constant.

A x Hourly Rate

Maximum amount based on the hourly rate.

Annual Maximum

Maximum annual amount to be deducted.

Method to determine the hourly rate

Hourly rate to use to calculate the union contribution when the latter is based on the salary.

NOTE: By default, the union contribution is calculated based on Rate used for which the highest number of hours were entered in the pay period.

Please make a choice from the following options:

  • Rate used for which the highest number of hours were entered in the pay period (default method)
  • The maximum rate used for the hours entered in the pay period
  • Rate used for first time in the pay period
  • Rate used for the first regular rate hour entered in the pay period
  • Specific Rate

Specific Rate

Allows for the entry of the hourly rate on which the union contribution is calculated, in the case where the Method to determine the hourly rate is Specific Rate.

  1. Click Save.


Last modification: February 20, 2025