CCQ Employer's Monthly Report
The CCQ employer’s monthly report is mainly used for the monthly remittance to the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) and meets the requirements of this organization.
In some cases, the report can be used for remittances to various committees. For example, parity committees.
You can export this report in XML format and send it to the CCQ if the Internet CCQ Report Transfer module is installed. |
- Modify company settings (Quebec Business Number)
- Define Committees
- Close a Period - Payroll (the payroll period must be closed to calculate the taxes on the report)
- Employee Management (to define the status, if applicable)
- Completed payrolls (from preparation to printing) for the XML files
maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > Reports > CCQ Employer's Monthly Report |
Print the employer’s monthly CCQ report
Select Parameters
- Select one or more Committees. To select all committees, check ALL.
- Select one or more Periods.
It is possible to select the last month of the previous year and the first month of the following year.
- Select the Sector.
- Click Accept. The report is displayed on the screen.
Complete the Information in the Configuration Icon
Before you continue:
- Click the Configuration icon.
- Enter the information:
- Tax section:
This section lets you determine the tax codes to be used to calculate the tax amounts, if the monthly report is changed manually.
Furthermore, the tax codes are used to display the tax rates on the report.
If this step is not performed, the tax rates displayed on the report will be incorrect. However, if no changes are made to the report, the tax amounts calculated will be accurate. Only the tax rate displayed will be incorrect on the report.
- Options section:
It will be impossible to create the monthly CCQ file as an XML file if the payrolls have not been completed.
Include incomplete payrolls
Displays the incomplete payrolls on the report, if the box is checked.
You will be able to confirm the payrolls for this period.
WARNING! To display the completed payrolls in the Details section of the report, click the right mouse button in the grid. Select the Configuration option and check the incomplete column.
Include QRBHCA contribution
If this option is activated, the QRBHCA Contrib. (which shows the amount of the employer's share) will be displayed and the Employer Contributions column (which shows the total of the AECQ contribution and the QRBHCA contribution) will be recalculated.
- Click OK to return to the report.
Verify and/or Modify the Report's Information
By default, the report is displayed on the screen is in read mode. If adjustments are necessary, you can correct the report by clicking the Unlock icon.
In unlock mode, the Insert a line or Delete a line icons are available. The changes made to the report do not affect the payroll data.
If the report is changed using the Unlock option, it will be impossible to save the changes made to this report for future consultation. It is therefore important to print and send the file immediately. If the user requests the report again for a period in which the report was changed manually, the corrections made will not be available. |
The report displays the calculated taxes on the hourly and annual contributions to the A.E.C.Q. if the pay period is closed. |
- Detail tab. By default, the information in this section is from employees’ pays.
- Other Information tab
- Company’s Address section:
The company address is from information entered in the Modify Company Settings option.
Québec Business Number (NEQ)
Québec Business Number from the Modify Company Settings option.
R.B.Q. No.
RBQ member number (Régie du Bâtiment du Québec).
NOTE: This number is from Committee Management.
Employer Number (CCQ)
CCQ membership number (Commission de la Construction du Québec).
NOTE: This number is from Committee Management.
Monthly Work Period
Displays the period selected in the report.
- Summaryby Status section:
This section displays the number of hours by status.
The status must be identified in Employee Management if applicable.
You can display the salary by status by adding the Salary column display. To display this column, click in the summary grid by status by clicking the right mouse button. Next click the Configuration option and check the Salary line. This new column is for information purposes and is not processed in the XML file because it is not required by the CCQ.
- Summary section:
This section displays the totals for the various contributions. The Comment column displays messages to the user when the report is unlocked. You can display the total amounts paid by employees versus the amounts paid by the employer.
- To display the columns, click the Configuration option in the summary grid with the right mouse button. Click in the Employee or Employer column to display them.
- To transfer the monthly report in XML format, consult the following How-To.
See also