Work Order Accrual Report


The Work Order Accrual Report is used to generate a list of work orders for which invoicing has not yet been completed. The report includes the value of work completed (time and material) and makes it possible to determine the value of work that has not been invoiced on a given date.

This report groups costs by activity, regardless of groups.

Work orders must be transferred to be included in this report.






maestro* > Projects > Work Orders > Reports > Work Order Accrual Report


Generate a report

  1. Select the choices based on specific requirements.



Detail level

ClosedAvailable values.

Project Template*

Project template based on which activities are selected. A separate column is created on the report for each activity on the template. An additional column (named 'Other Activities') is also created if some of the activities on the work orders are not on the template.

NOTE: If the project templates already defined contain too many activities to be used for the report, you may have to create a project template that will be used exclusively to prepare this report. By limiting the number of activities on the template to 12, the report will be easier to read.


Project with which the work orders are associated.

NOTE: The + symbol is used to drill down further to select projects or project groups individually.

As of Date*

End date used for displaying report results.

NOTES: Transactions whose dates are past this date will not be included on the report.

The posting date of the work order is applied to all of the material.

If a sales invoice was generated after this date, the system ignores it and considers the work order not invoiced. For your information, the date of the sale invoice will nevertheless be displayed to inform the user that the work order has been invoiced.

Cost / Selling Price

ClosedAvailable values.

Group Projects by Category

If this box is checked, the report is printed by project category. A subtotal by project category is also printed.

If the box is not checked, the report is printed by project number.


You can select only the columns to be displayed by clicking the Configuration icon in the Maestro Report Viewer.

  1. Click Accept.


Last modification: February 22, 2025