View Management by Dispatch Status


View management by dispatch status allows users to retrieve and display quickly service calls and work orders according to their progress status. This selective display of status information on the dispatch grid is achieved by associating user-defined codes to specific service call statuses and work orders states.

In maestro* and associated documentation, the following terminology applies:

As a service call or a work order can be made to undergo several dispatches:

  • Within the context of a service call progress, we refer to a progress STATUS;
  • Within the context of a work order progress, we refer to a progress STATE;
  • Within the context of a dispatch progress, we refer to a dispatch STATE or a dispatch STATUS.
  • A service call is tagged by its own progress status and by one or several dispatch statuses. For example, a service call progress status itself could be Ongoing and, because the call was dispatched three times, be tagged also with three different dispatch statuses: one dispatch is Ongoing, the second dispatch is Completed and the third dispatch is Pending, if you are waiting for a replacement part for instance;
  • A work order is tagged by its own progress state and by one or several dispatch statuses. For example, a work order progress status itself could be Ongoing and, because the work order was dispatched twice, be tagged also with two different dispatch statuses: one dispatch is Ongoing, while the second is Pending.

This document covers the following:

  • Defining service call statuses, work order states, and associated codes;
  • Creating dispatch statuses and associated folders to be linked to the progress status of service calls and progress state of work orders;
  • Associate a dispatch action to the automated changing of the progress status of a service or of the progress state of a work order;
  • Selecting the dispatch display filters that are to default based on the given user.





Part A — Service calls

  1. Defining progress statuses and codes for service calls
  2. Creating folders and dispatch statuses
  3. Associating actions to automated status changes
  4. Associating a default progress status to calls
  5. Selecting filters to view dispatches

Part B — Work orders

  1. Defining progress states and codes for work orders
  2. Creating folders and dispatch statuses
  3. Associating actions to automated status changes
  4. Associating default progress states to work orders
  5. Selecting filters to view dispatches


Part A Service calls

1. Defining progress statuses and codes for service calls

Working with a dispatch grid is made easier when users define codes to target and handle the display of the various progress statuses that service calls are likely to undergo.

Progress statuses for service calls are defined in:


maestro* > Service Management > Maintenance > Configuration > Define Call Status Codes

  1. In window Define Call Status Codes, click the New icon.
  2. Fill out the required fields:



Call Status Code

Will be used to identify a given status through the code entered here.

French Description

Description in French of the progress status.


Description in English of the progress status.

Maximum Delay (hours)

Calculation of the cut-off time to complete the service call will be based on the number of hours that are entered here.

Maximum Delay (days)

Calculation of the cut-off date and time to complete the service call will be based on the number of days that are entered here.

Available in Mobile

Indicates that the given status will be made available to users of maestro*MOBILE.

  1. Click the Save icon.
  2. Add as many status codes as are needed.

A utility has been developed to convert folders from the previous version of the grid to the new, advanced, version of the dispatch grid.

2. Creating folders and dispatch statuses

Selecting grid views based on the progress status of service calls is made easier when users create folders to handle the various statuses and associated services calls.


maestro* > Service Management > Service Management > Dispatch > View Management by Dispatch Status

  1. In window View Management by Dispatch Status, click the New icon.
  2. Select a Folder Color from the list of options by clicking the arrow on the right-hand side of the field.
  3. Enter an English- or French-language description of the contents of the folder, or both.
  4. In section Call Status, activate the check box Apply for each of the statuses that are to be gathered into the folder. When users select this folder from the dispatch grid, they will view only those service calls whose progress status match those that are specified for the given folder.
  5. Click the Save icon.
  6. Click the Quit icon.

3. Associating actions to automated status changes

Users can quickly see the changes in status if they automate such change by associating the occurrence of a given fixed action to trigger the change of the service call’s progress status.

This feature involves selecting which is the resulting progress status that is automatically set once the service call has been either assigned, deleted or closed.



maestro* > Service Management > Service Management > Dispatch > Dispatch Model Management

  1. In window Dispatch Model Management, click the tab Other.
  2. In section Automatic change of status post-action, associate a progress status with each of the statements by clicking the icon that appears at the right-end side of the statement fields, and by selecting the relevant record.
  3. Click the Save icon.
  4. Click the Quit icon.

4. Associating a default progress status to calls

  1. From maestro* home page, click the Configuration icon.
  2. Select the menu item General Settings.
  3. In the left-hand pane hierarchical tree structure, expand the Service Calls options menu and click General.
  4. In the right-hand pane Service Calls – General, click the icon that appears at the right-end side of field Default Call Status.
  5. Select the appropriate default status and click Select.
  6. Repeat the procedure to enter the required information in field Status of maintenance calls generated, when needed.
  7. Click the Save icon.
  8. Click the Quit icon.

5. Selecting filters to view dispatches

The following configuration must be carried from within the dispatch grid itself.


maestro* > Service Management > Service Management > Dispatch > Call Dispatch

  1. In window Call Dispatch, ensure that option Employees is the one that is selected in the Dispatch field, on the left-hand side of the ribbon under the toolbar.
  2. Click the Filter Configurations icon.
  3. In window Filter Configurations, in field Filter select a filter to modify an existing one, otherwise click the New icon and name the new filter in the Filter field.
  4. In field Applicable, select the target of the filter from the drop-down menu. Three options are available:



For the current dispatch template

The options that are selected and defined will apply to the template that was selected in the Call Dispatch window.

For all users

The options that are selected and defined will apply to all the users of maestro*.

The current user

The options that are selected and defined will apply only to the current user.

  1. In tab Views by dispatch status, indicate the dispatch status folders that are to be available when this filter is selected, by clicking the relevant check boxes Display.
  2. Click the Save icon.
  3. Repeat the procedure to create as many templates as are needed.
  4. Click the Quit icon.

When the filters have been configured, the folders will be displayed in the toolbar to the right of the All folder.

The All folder cannot be configured and is available to all users, at all times.


Part B Work orders

1. Defining progress states and codes for work orders

Working with a dispatch grid is made easier when users define codes to target and handle the display of the various progress statuses that work orders are likely to undergo

Progress statuses for work orders are defined in:


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Work Orders > Define Progression States

  1. In window Define Progression States, click the New icon.
  2. Enter the following information:



Progression State

Will be used to identify a given state through the code entered here.

French Description

Description in French of the progress state.


Description in English of the progress state.

Available in Mobile

Indicates that the given state will be made available to users of maestro*MOBILE.

  1. Click the Save icon.
  2. Add as many states as are required.

A utility has been developed to convert folders from the previous version of the grid to the new, advanced, version of the dispatch grid.

2. Creating folders and dispatch statuses

Selecting grid views based on the progress state of work orders is made easier when users create folders to handle the various statuses and associated work orders.


maestro* > Projects > Work Orders > Dispatch > View Management by Dispatch Status

  1. In window View Management by Dispatch Status, click the New icon.
  2. Select a Folder Color from the list of options by clicking the arrow on the right-hand side of the field.
  3. Enter an English- or French-language description of the contents of the folder, or both.
  4. In section Work Order Progress Status, activate the check box Apply for each of the statuses that are to be gathered into the folder. When users select this folder from the dispatch grid , they will view only those work orders whose progress status match those that are specified for the given folder.
  5. Click the Save icon.
  6. Click the Quit icon.

3. Associating actions to automated status changes

User can quickly see the change in states if they automate such change by associating the occurrence of a given fixed action to trigger the change of the work order’s progress state.

This feature involves selecting which is the resulting progress status that is automatically set once the work order has been either assigned, deleted or closed.



maestro* > Projects > Work Orders > Dispatch > Dispatch Model Management

  1. In window Dispatch Model Management, click the tab Other.
  2. In section Automatic change of status post-action, associate a progress status with each of the statements by clicking the icon that appears at the right-end side of the statement fields, and by selecting the relevant record.
  3. Click the Save icon.
  4. Click the Quit icon.

4. Associating default progress states to work orders

  1. From maestro* home page, click the Configuration icon.
  2. Select the menu item General Settings.
  3. In the left-hand page hierarchical tree structure, expand the Work Orders options menu and click General.
  4. In the right-hand pane Work Orders – General, click the icon the icon that appears at the right-end side of field Default Progress Status.
  5. Select the appropriate default status and click Select.
  6. Click the Save icon.
  7. Click the Quit icon.

5. Selecting filters to view dispatches

The following configuration must be carried from within the dispatch grid itself.


maestro* > Projects > Work Orders > Dispatch > Work OrderDispatch

  1. In window Work Order Dispatch, ensure that option Employees is the one that is selected in the Dispatch field, on the left-hand side of the ribbon under the toolbar.
  2. Click the Filter Configurations icon.
  3. In window Filter Configurations, in field Filter select a filter to modify an existing one, otherwise click the New icon and name the new filter in the Filter field.
  4. In field Applicable, select the target of the filter from the drop-down menu. Three options are available:



For the current dispatch template

The options that are selected and defined will apply to the template that was selected in the Work Order Dispatch window.

For all users

The options that are selected and defined will apply to all the users of maestro*.

The current user

The options that are selected and defined will apply only to the current user.

  1. In tab Views by dispatch status, indicate the dispatch status folders that are to be available when this filter is selected, by clicking the relevant check boxes Display.
  2. Click the Save icon.
  3. Repeat the procedure to create as many templates as are needed.
  4. Click the Quit icon.

When the filters have been configured, the folders will be displayed in the toolbar to the right of the All folder.

The All folder cannot be configured and is available to all users, at all times.


Last modification: February 18, 2025