Calculation Sheet Tab


This tab makes it possible to integrate an Excel file in which can be found, for example, quantity takeoff statements, price lists, conversion factors lists, supplier or subcontractor price comparison tables, etc.

The data of the Calculation Sheet is available to supply the calculations in the Quantity column of all elements under the Detail tab.

Consequently, this tab can also serve as a bridge between the takeoff software, which allows the quantity statement on construction plans, and the estimating in maestro*.

The supported Excel files are those whose extensions are either *.xls, *.xlsx, or *.xlsm.

This document applies to the Calculation Sheet tab only.

It is possible to limit the access to the Excel button and equations by checking the right boxes in the Security Management option, under the Access Restriction tab, Estimating section of the tree-like structure, Construction Estimates option.


The Calculation Sheet tab's icons



Used to

New Workseet

Create a new empty worksheet or replace the existing worksheet by a new one.

Import an Excel File

Import a complete Excel file.

Delete Worksheet

Completely delete the estimate's or template's worksheet.

Show Excel Buttons Bar

Display the toolbar with all of Excel's functionalities.

View Excel File

Export the worksheet in Excel, out of maestro*. Once in Excel, the link between maestro* is not broken; all files saved in Excel will also be saved in the estimate in maestro*.

Calculation Sheet Import

Complete the different fields under the Detail tab with the data of the calculation sheet. This function is configurable and must be configured beforehand in an estimate template with the same icon.

In the Calculation Sheet Import window that appears, click on the icon representing a wheel with teeth to identify the fields to import.


Allows to refresh the information on the calculation sheet.


Last modification: February 21, 2025