Information tab


This tab gathers the general information of the estimate, as the customer coordinates, cost price source, selling price source, profit calculation modes, etc.




Customer Information Section

This section identifies the work provider.


This section is completed automatically when a customer is selected in the Selected column of the Customers tab.

You can create a virtual customer by clicking the icon to the right of the Customer field. Complete the information and assign it a code in the Customer field. When the quotation is transferred, maestro* lets you create the customer in the database. This option is useful to avoid creating unnecessary customers if the contract is not granted to you.


When the quotation is transferred, the information from this section is transferred to Project Management, Contract Management, Progress Billing Contracts and Customer Management, if applicable.


Site Information Section

In Contact Management, select a site contact and an individual contact, if applicable.


When the quotation is transferred, the information from this section is transferred to Project Management and Contract Management or Progress Billing Contracts, if applicable.


Detailed Description Section

Enter a detailed description of the project.

You can format the text that will be entered in this section by clicking the icon or using the spell check function.

This description is included on the Print Quotation report, which can be accessed by clicking the Print icon and on customized forms if they have been configured.


When the quotation is transferred, the information from this section is transferred to Project Management and Subcontract Management (in the Detail tab of the Original Contract


Main Customer’s Information Section

Identify the main customer to which the quotation is related.


Although the customer entered here must exist in Customer Management, it is not used for invoicing or accounts receivable. It may be used as selection criteria or for grouping projects, in the list generator, miscellaneous reports or most project reports.

When the quotation is transferred, the information from this section is transferred to Project Management and Contract Management or Progress Billing Contracts.


Contacts Section

This section identifies the various contacts involved with the quotation.

When the quotation is transferred, only the information from the Salesman field is transferred to Project Management and Contract Management or Progress Billing Contracts.


Dates Section

Important dates for the estimate.



Tender Close Date

Closing date for the quotation entered manually.

Modification Date

Date on which changes were made to the quotation. Updated by maestro*.

Date Submitted

Date on which the quotation was saved with a Submitted status, if not entered manually.

NOTE: When the quotation is transferred, this date will be entered in the Start Date field in Contract Management or Progress Billing Contracts.

Date Accepted

Date on which the quotation was saved with an Accepted status, if not entered manually.

NOTE: When the quotation is transferred, this date will be entered in the Start Date field in Project Management.

Quotation Valid Until

Validity period of the quotation.

NOTE: This date can be calculated automatically by maestro* depending on Define Quotation Types option.

Due Date

Date used for following up quotations in the Dashboard.

Delivery Date

Project delivery date to the customer.

NOTE: When the quotation is transferred, this date will be entered in Project Management and Contract Management.

Tender Close Date

Closing date for the quotation entered manually.


Other Section

This section is very important and must be completed, or its contents must be validated before completing the other tabs because it defines how maestro* handles calculations of items in the Detail and Local Catalogue tabs.



Quotation Type

Quotation classification tool.

Cost Price Source

Price used to calculate the cost of items on the quotation (Detail tab).

All of these options are predefined in Catalogue Management. By default, maestro* uses the List Price to calculate the source of the cost.

ClosedAvailable values.

Selling Price Source

The source of the selling price only applies to items in the catalogue.

ClosedAvailable values.

Profit Calculation Mode

Uses to methods to calculate profit: Profit or Markup

ClosedAvailable values.


Sets a priority level for the quotation.

NOTE: Priorities are used in Quotation Dispatchand are taken from Define Priorities.

Construction Type

Two options: Turnkey and Time and Material.

These two options are distinguished from each other simply by the way taxes are calculated.

ClosedAvailable values.

Tax Codes

Used to set the percentage of taxes that will be applied to the Proposed Amount for the quotation according to the type of construction selected.

For a Turn key quotation, the tax amounts are displayed in the Closing tab and are included in the Total amount.

For a Time and Material quotation, taxes are added to the cost.

Unit of Measure

Unit of measure used to calculate the items or resources.

ClosedAvailable values.

Default Scenario

Defines a scenario applicable to the entire project based on conditions (climate, difficulties). The default scenario is A.

By using a scenario, the quantities and amounts will be adjusted according to the following read priority:

  • Scenario defined in the Table of resources by item/quotation type option, if empty.
  • The scenario used will be the one in the Information tab. The rate used for the calculation is the one defined in Catalogue Management.

Source Quotation

Links the current quotation to an existing quotation.

By clicking the Change the structure from the source quotation and Add items from the the source quotation icons available under the Detail tab, you can extract sections from a source quotation and import them into the current quotation.

Purchase Order

Creates a link with customer discounts.

When the quotation is transferred, this purchase order number will be copied to the Purchase Order field in Project Management and Contract Management.


Transfer Information Section

Sends the quotation transfer information to the project and invoicing.

It is not mandatory to complete this section to transfer from a quotation for the following reasons:

  • If automatic project numbering has not been configured and the user has not entered a value in the Project No. field, the system will assign a default number.

Information other than the project number can be completed after the transfer.



Project -#

Project number linked to the quotation.

Select an existing project or create a new one.

When a new project is created and the field is empty, maestro* assigns a project number automatically if automatic project numbering has been activated.

The project number can be assigned automatically by Define Quotation Types or, if empty, by the numbering defined in Configuration in the Projects module. Otherwise, the user must enter a project number manually to create it.

Project Template

Identifies a project template to be used that represents the structure of project activities.

The project template is not mandatory, however, it does require the user to manually create the activity structure for each quotation.

Project Type

Identifies the type of project to which the quotation belongs from Define Project Types.

Project Category

Project category used to define the Project Type.


Identifies the department to which the project belongs.

Revenue Activity

Identifies the revenue activity to be used when creating the invoicing contract. The selling amount affects the revenue activity during invoicing.

The revenue activity can be selected from the activities defined in the Project Template, if empty, proposes the activities created manually in the Project Activities tab.

Revenue Group

Revenue group link to invoicing and from the Define Cost Groups.

Chg Order Group

Revenue group link to the change order and used when creating the invoicing contract.


Defines whether the invoicing contract (Progress Billing Contracts) will be invoiced by the unit (Quantity) or by a completion percentage (Rate).


Last modification: February 18, 2025